Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Donate to the Federal Government

My civil domestic partner and I have spent the last several days, angrily, trying to figure out what to do with the extra money the government let us keep. We know the government needs that money more than we do. So we're gonna put that money where our mouths are.

We are donating the extra $1000 to the federal government to reduce the debt. Those of you who believe as we do that the government needs more money can make it happen! Donate those tax cuts back to the US Treasury.

Follow their instructions carefully. It would be a tragedy if they couldn't accept that money and you were forced to take it back.

We challenge all of our tax and spend supporters to do the same. We know we don't need that money. We know the government needs it badly. We should not keep money we don't deserve. Give it back to the government where it belongs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm taking you up on your challenge. But first I'm going to donate $100 to Jean Schmidt and $100 to George Voinovich. Then I'll donate $1000 to the federal government. I don't deserve that money anyways.