Saturday, May 17, 2008

Gehring a future star

Fellow supporters of higher taxes: we know many have been upset about Scott Gehring's abrupt, unexpected departure from his highly anticipated bid for State Representative, but we shouldn't be. Gehring is one of the brightest future stars we have in politics. His potential is limitless. He could be President of the United States one day.

Gehring will be back. He would have stomped Denise Childers Driehaus into the ground but had to quit the race to take care of a sick relative. He is young and will have many more chances to run again. We will do everything we can to support Mr. Gehring. Gehring knows that higher taxes leads to greater prosperity. He stood with us and Sheriff Leis when we pleaded with the citizens to assess themselves a higher Sales Tax so we will stand with him.

Gehring is a transcendent, post-partisan visionary with respect all across the political spectrum. People are still talking the masterful grasp of the issues he showed during his tenure with the great Leslie Ghiz. Under his leadership the Blue Chip Young Republicans became the best political club in Hamilton County; without him the club has run itself into the ground. He also developed a reputation as being one of Cincinnati's best political minds when he took over the fledgling campaign of Melanie Bates and came within a few votes of leading her to a seat on Council.

The Hamilton County Republican Party is looking for a new candidate. We know they could never find a candidate as great as Scott Gehring, but at least contact Alex Triantafilou and make sure he selects a candidate who loves higher taxes as much as Scott and his wife do.


Anonymous said...

I can't give my real name but I want to tell you guys how much you rock! This is the best political blog I've ever read.

You are right, Scott Gehring is a star and he'll be back. He regrets not being able to get elected this year but once his family situation is settled he'll begin a long career of public service. Take that you COASTers!

Anonymous said...

Scott will be servicing the public alright. I bet he'll start by servicing the sex offenders he beings to Cincinnati via Volunteers of America.

Anonymous said...

The Volunteers of America allowed the violent sex offender Anthony Kirkland to leave their facilty without contacting his parole officer...resulting in Kirkland's murder of a 13-year-old girl named Esme Kenny.

What a great job Scott Gehring has at Volunteers of America...making life easier for sex offender murderers like Anthony Kirkland.

It's time to get the facts out about the real Scott Gehring.
For Google search purposes:
Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring
Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

Scott Gehring

C. Scott Gehring

C. Scott Gehring

C. Scott Gehring
C.Scott Gehring

C. Scott Gehring
C. Scott Gehring

We're going to spread the truth about you, Scott Gehring.
Get ready.