Thursday, July 24, 2008

Virgil Lovitt for State Rep

By now our well-informed readers are aware of State Representative Jim Raussen's abandonment of his re-election campaign. By law the Hamilton County Republican Party can name someone to replace him on the ballot. This is a great chance for our side to regain some momentum by selecting a qualified tax-and-spend Republican to take Raussen's place.

We at Republicans for Higher Taxes give our strongest possible endorsement to Sharonville Mayor Virgil Lovitt! Lovitt has been one of the best friends our tax-and-spend movement could ever have. We cannot think of a single tax increase that Lovitt hasn't supported. He was a strong supporter of last year's Issue 27, the Simon Leis Sales Tax hike and is good friends with our great Congresswoman Jean Schmidt.

Lovitt is such a strong supporter of higher taxes that he has crossed party lines to endorse Democrat Todd Portune for re-election. Now folks, that takes great commitment to our tax-and-spend agenda.

We disagree with the mean people out there who refer to Sharonville as Shittyville. We happen to think Sharonville's endless strip malls and $40,000 homes add a neat flavor to our county. We need more of that across the 28th House Disrict. Other cities in the district such as Wyoming, Blue Ash, and Montgomery would be much finer places if they had more Sharonville in them.

It is vital that our supporters call Chairman Alex Triantafilou and demand that he select Virgil Lovitt as our State Rep candidate! We strongly support what Virgil would bring to this seat - higher taxes, more spending, continued support for Todd Portune, and the promise that he'll do for the district what he's done for Sharonville. Virgil Lovitt for State Representative!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed that I didn't get your endorsement. I feel like I'm at least as good of a tax and spender as Virgil.

-Rick Bryan

Republicans for Higher Taxes said...

Don't feel bad Rick. We know that you are also a strong supporter of higher taxes and more spending, and we consider you a close friend and ally to our cause.

But Virgil Lovitt is in a rare class of his own. We owe him all the support we can give him. Hang in there Rick. If you keep supporting tax increases and continue your efforts to turn Blue Ash into another Sharonville, we'll be sure to support you to succeed Virg.

Anonymous said...

Well, since you wouldn't post my Friday's comment, I'll try again. To call Virgil Locitt a tax & spend leader shows you are just taking potshots and hoping to please Gov. Strickland.

Republicans for Higher Taxes said...

Actually we did post your comment. You chose to post your comment in the below thread, therefore that's where it is. We have no control over which threads you choose to comment in.