Sunday, November 1, 2009

Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner

Dear fellow tax hikers, we are writing to endorse one of our favorites Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner. You may be saying, "but isn't she running for City Council"? She is indeed on the ballot for City Council, but most of her time is being spent running for County Commissioner. This City Council race is a mere steppingstone to her real goal, replacing her mentor David Pepper on the County Commission. We are going to respect Mrs. Ghiz's choice and endorse her for the position that she actually cares about winning, Hamilton County Commissioner.

We know that Ghiz will make a fantastic Commissioner. If you liked Bob Bedinghaus, you will love Leslie Ghiz. Ghiz has been a strong promoter of higher taxes, big new spending programs like the $200 million Streetcar, and high-profile support of great tax-and-spend Democrats such as David Pepper and Jeff Berding. Please take a few minutes to consider the Ghiz record:

1. Endorsed David Pepper for County Commissioner, which gave the Democrats the majority on Commission for the first time in 40 years.

2. Joined with Marc Dann to endorse Pepper's big 2007 Sales Tax increase for the county.

3. Voted for Cincinnati's $200 million Streetcar plan, and is working against Issue 9 which could threaten to stop the streetcar.

4. Gave an $800,000 subsidy to The Freedom Center, along the way complaining that the city wouldn't give more.

5. Endorsed Democrat Jeff Berding and Charterite Chris Bortz, both of whom have also earned our endorsements, while heeding our warning to oppose Charlie Winburn. See, Leslie Ghiz does not support her fellow Republicans if they work too hard to limit the size of government.

Leslie Ghiz has built a superior record that is based around endorsing Democrats, raising taxes, and finding new, creative ways to spend our money. She deserves our support. When you vote this Tuesday, vote for Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner!


Anonymous said...

I love Leslie for her refusal to support any black Republicans like that Charlie Winburn. Because of that, and her support for the streetcar, I'll be supporting Leslie!

Alex T said...

Leslie has my support! Greek Power!

David Pepper said...

She backed me when I defeated Phil Heimlich and helped give control of the County Commission to the Democrats. Now she'll have my vote and full support. Not to mention a few checks from Daddy's bank account. Go Ghiz!

the conservative base said...

But can she beat Brad Wenstrup? I don't think so.

Virgil said...

What's she going to do to help Sharonville?

Anonymous said...

I thought you guys were going to update this more often.

Alex T. said...

the Greeks were the first people to update something.

ImaButtPirate said...

Leslie stands up for homosexual rights and that makes me happy.

Simon Lease said...

I am honored to chair the Ghiz campaign for County Commissioner. Now maybe I'll be able to get that sales tax increase passed and get my Taj Mahol Jail facility and Sheriff's headquarters built.