Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hamilton County GOP turns clock on progress

This past week has been a tough time for those of us who have worked so hard to make the Hamilton County Republican Party the party of higher taxes. We are very sad to learn of the news that our leader George Vincent has resigned as party Chairman. Vincent is one of the best Chairmen we've ever had. Under his leadership we became the party of higher taxes.

New leader Alex Treeantofilou threatens to undo the progress Vincent made. Triiantofalou said in that article he's going to return us to the party of lower taxes. We can not let this happen. We will not let Alex undo all the work we did to make us the party of higher taxes and higher spending. We have a lot of friends in high places and we will all make life difficult for the party if they ever try to oppose our utopian vision of big government.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." That should remain the vision of the Hamilton County Republican Party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George Vincent was great. He did what I always aim to do, which is support Republicans who love higher taxes as much as I do.

Higher taxes for everyone
USA needs higher gas taxes, like Schmidt voted for in Ohio
Republicans for Higher Taxes is my favorite blog
Legislators who raise taxes get my support
Everyone knows Schmidt's Sales tax hike helped our economy
You will be banned if you disagree with me