Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jean Schmidt votes for higher taxes

Dear fellow tax hikers, recently we were very disappointed to see Congress vote to extend the tax cuts that were introduced during the Bush Administration.  We as Americans are undertaxed.  The government needs to raise taxes - all kinds of taxes -  to deliver us the big government we deserve.

In spite of our disappointment, we are extremely proud that our Congresswoman Jean Schmidt voted against continuing these tax cuts.  Her vote would have raised income taxes on every single American taxpayer starting in January.  We have endorsed Jean in all of her races, and this vote should help you to see why.

Jean Schmidt is one of the finest politicians we have ever endorsed.  As a State Representative, she voted for all of Bob Taft's tax increases.  As a Congressman, she voted for the $800 Billion Bailouts for Wall Street Billionaires.  And now, to pay for programs such as these bailouts, she has voted to raise income taxes on everyone.  We salute our tax-hiking hero, Jean Schmidt, for everything she has done to raise taxes and grow government.  Keep up the good work!


Cathy Rino Smith said...

When the world is upside down, right is wrong, left is right and conservatives invading our political system, it's nice to know that some things will stay the same and be a beacon for all of us young ladies looking to advance a rino agenda!

Catherino Smith Mills said...

I promise to do the same thing if elected to Cincinnati City Council! Higher taxes, jumbo hi-tech recycling bins, and streetcars for everyone!!!

Leslie Ghiz said...

You can see why I endorsed Jean Schmidt against that awful conservative Bob McEwen and have remained proudly in her corner. Endorsing Schmidt ranks just behind my endorsement of Democrat David Pepper as my wisest act ever. You go girl!