Sunday, March 1, 2009

Interactive Fundraising Invitations

We are bringing a brand new idea to the political process - the interactive fundraising invitation. Don't you get tired of seeing the same old invitations? You can't tell one apart from the other. They all list the important names to interest you, give the basic information on the event, and of course ask you for your money. We at Republicans for Higher Taxes have decided to create something new, an interactive fundraising invitation. The interactive fundraising invitation will continue to exist in written form, but that's only the start.

From this day forward, we take these invitations interactive. We will gather quotes from the sponsors or hosts of these fundraisers and print them on the internet for everyone to read. Rather than just reading their name, you will have the opportunity to learn why these people are choosing to put their money behind their candidate. We think our pro-tax movement will benefit greatly from this new technique.

Shortly, we will roll out our first ever interactive fundraising invitation, to benefit our endorsed candidate for State Senate, Michelle Schneider.

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