Below are my much anticipated endorsements for Ohio's Republican Primary election on Tuesday. All of the candidates listed are Taft-endorsed tax and spend liberal Republicans, and all deserve your support. Also, please remember my prior endorsement of Ohio Issue 1, which is a continuation of my wildly successful Third Frontier Program.
Yours in taxes,
Governor Bob Taft
2nd Congressional District - Jean Schmidt
In the race for the 2nd Congressional District there is a no-brainer. Jean Schmidt was my closest ally in the Statehouse during my time as Governor. Jeanie voted for every single one of my tax increases, and helped me put Ohio on sound economic footing. I cannot describe to you the elation I felt when Jean beat out conservatives like Pat DeWine, Tom Brinkman, and Bob McEwen for her Congressional seat. True to form, Jean did not let me down, and voted in favor of the first federal bailout. She has succeeded in turning a once solidly conservative Congressional District into a nail-biter for the Republicans every year. What a record of accomplishments!!!Vote for my good personal friend Jean Schmidt for Congress.
Hamilton County Commissioner - Leslie Ghiz

Another no-brainer. Leslie is a shooting star in the tax and spend Republican movement, and with any luck will occupy the Hamilton County Commissioners seat that I myself served so well in. Ghiz wisely supported spending taxpayer money on the Cincinnati Streetcar, and even voted to give $800,000 to the Freedom Center. Both were extremely appropriate uses of taxpayer funds. I love supporting pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro tax, pro spending Republican women like my Lieutenant Governor Jennette Bradley. Ghiz is cut from the same cloth. On Tuesday, send a message to the fiscal conservatives by defeating that tax cutting bastard Chris Monzel and putting Leslie Ghiz in office.
Ohio's 7th Senate District - Michele Schneider
I had butterflies when I heard that my former protoge Michele Schneider was going to try to resume suckling off the government teet with yet another run for public office. Michele was a tireless advocate of my tax hikes during her time in the State House. Michele voted for my gasoline tax hike, and was proud to support the creation of a brand new tax, the CAT tax. I'd love to see her in the State Senate so she could tax even more people. Let's also not forget her devotion to giving millions of your tax dollars to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center, and her support of the Hamilton County Hotel/Motel tax. Michele is a true champion of the Ohio tax hiking movement, and would make a great State Senator.
Ohio Secretary of State - Jon Husted
How lucky are we to be able to finally vote to support Jon Husted for Statewide office? I have waited for this day, and like a proud papa when his son gets his first hit in a baseball game, I'm just beaming. Jon voted for my sales tax hike, and my gas tax hike in addition to pushing for my brand new Commercial Activites Tax. Jon was a supporter of my Third Frontier program that worked wonders to make Ohio's economy so great, and has been a vocal advocate for Issue 1 this year, which is a renewal of my wildly successful Third Frontier program. But perhaps best of all, Jon stood shoulder to shoulder with my main man Virgil Lovitt in his State Representative race. On Tuesday, vote for the tax hiking son I never had, Jonny Boy Husted.
State Central Committee - Mary Anne Christie and Amber Burke Sprengard
As Republicans we have many important races for the State Central Committee this year. As you may or may not know, the State Central Committee is the group that endorses candidates for the Party and chooses who the Party Chairman will be. It is vital that we keep Kevin DeWine in power. It is thanks to him that we have great candidates like Jon Husted to vote for. Both Mary Anne Christie and Amber Burke Sprengard have received thousands upon thousands of dollars in support of their campaigns from the Ohio Republican Party through Party-paid mail pieces touting them as the "endorsed Republican candidates". They'll owe Chairman Kevin BIG-TIME, and will continue to provide rubber stamp votes for tax hiking candidates and support for the Kevin DeWine regime in Columbus. As a bonus, both are personally very involved in the liberal Republican movement. Christie has been a long (and I mean loooooooooooong) time supporter of tax hiking Republicans, and Sprengard was a vocal advocate for the Cincinnati Streetcar movement that I strongly support. Remember to keep these two good status-quo, establishment Republicans in mind when you vote, and forget the names of their super-conservative opponents, Lori Viars and Joanne Kemmerer, both of whom have been endorsed by the despised and destructive Ohio Tea Party PAC.
What a great selection of candidates!
What a stable of RINO stars! They have my vote!
Thank you for remembering me and my support for the streetcar! I will continue to support big government and endorse all the RINO's that Chairman DeWine asks me to. You rock Governor Taft!!!!
Thank you Dear Leader Taft. I will cherish this endorsement. I've already directed my staff to print it off and hang it on my office wall next to my Log Cabin Gay Republicans endorsement.
Thanks Gov! Thanks guys for running the great photos of me throughout the campaign! Lets win tomorrow and get to work on the business of tax rasin!
Thank you for endorsing my wife!
Stephanie or whoever you really are, your comments were deleted because of your potty-mouth language. We are sure you can speak in a more adult manner if you tried.
As to the content of your remarks, if you do believe you have a claim, please email me with your request and state precisely which photograph is in question. Before you do I'll recommend that you review concepts such as "fair use" and the 4-factor balancing test to ensure we don't waste each other's time. If you can establish your identity and a valid claim with some level of credibility I'll have no problems removing the item in question.
Stephanie, you are not going to use this site to advertise your work and we are not going to publicly debate your photography issues with you. If there is anything we need to see, EMAIL us. Our address is easily found on this site. Thank you in advance for contacting us by email so we can evaluate your concerns.
As a courtesy, we will temporarily delete the photograph in question pending legal review. If we are advised that your claim is faulty, the photo will go back up. Until then you may want to further study copyright law.
For now we have replaced the 3 year-old photo of Amber Burke Sprengard with a more recent picture.
The second picture is much betterand more fitting.
Wow I am so excited the results are almost back. Back to the Ohio Senate to raise taxes!
early polling #s indicate possible trouble in the Ohio Senate for our hero Michelle...people, this could mean lower taxes if she cant win! Get to the polls!
Is it true that Amber Burke RINOgard and her fat ass just got beat for her State Central Committee seat?
MAJOR blow for our movement in the Ohio Senate. I dont know how we can spin this otherwise.
What? I lost? Kevin DeWine told me I was a shoe-in thanks to the thousands of dollars he was spending to keep me under his control. I guess it doesn't matter, since I rarely went to the meetings anyway. At least I still have my beloved streetcar.
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