Thursday, July 2, 2015

Red Light Bribery scandal - the players

Dear fellow tax hikers, as Columbus politics continues to be rocked by the Red Light Camera bribery scandal, we want to take some time to make sure you meet two of the key players.  (You may want to click on the pics to enlarge.)

First up is Columbus City Council President Andrew Ginther, Democrat running for Columbus Mayor.  King of tax abatements, stadium bailouts, and data rigging.

Next, meet Ginther's pet Democratic lobbyist John Raphael.  Also functions as Ginther's enthusiastic food taster and errand boy.  In his spare time, a professional Twinkie connoisseur. 


Cap City YR leaders said...

We think Andrew Ginther is a great servant. So what if he's a Democrat who takes bribes, endorses tax hikes that fail with 70% of the vote, and bails out stadiums that voters already rejected owning.

Young Republican Women of Cincinnati said...

Do we need to do anything? Or can we just keep drinking away the summer?

Republican Leaders at the ORP and RNC said...

We are sure our friends in the press are busy asking every Democrat from here to China if they stand with Ginther and Coleman like they ask us every time a Republican gets in trouble. Public service would be a lot more lucrative for us if we would be able to win offices in cities like Columbus and Cincinnati. If we changed our position to be just like the Democrats and promised free abortions to illegal immigrants, then we would definitely be able to win those seats and start making public service very
Lucrative for us.

News Media said...

Bribery pays for our friends in the Democratic Party. Those greedy, xenophobic bigots in the Republican Party need to go away so everyone can just get along better and there won't be any more discrimination against gays and minorities.

The Blessing Dynasty said...

This is why lowly peons shouldn't be allowed in elected office in the United States of America.

Alex T Mall Cop GOP said...

You fools who think I am doing a bad job don't knownwhat you're talking about. The more seats I lose to my good friend Tim Burke, the fewer chances there are for good Republicans to be bribed or involved in other forms of public corruption. It's actually a good thing to lose seats to Democrats, so they can commit the crimes and we can look clean and innocent.

Greed Township Republicans said...

Can someone please bribe fhe politicans in Colerain to clean up their trash-infested ghetto?

Thirty Something Voters said...

Come on, everyone knows the Democrats are the only relevant political party. Republicans with their agenda of greed, bigotry, and hateful intolerance are going to the grave with their old ideas. Kudos to the Capital City Young Republicans for working across party lines and embrace scientific fact, not the Creationist bullshit of Republican Bibke thumpers.

Educated Voter said...

Court rulings on same-sex marriage, the Affordable Care Act, legislative Gerrymandering, and abortion rights have made most of the Republican Party's platform not just wrong but actually illegal.

Anonymous said...

The twinkie comment hurt...I am the only bon vivant on this blog.

Shineboy Hochscheid