Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Support Bush's Bailout

We at Republicans for Higher Taxes give high remarks to President George Bush for his handling of the financial crisis. Recently our President has proposed the biggest government expansion since the Great Depression. Namely, the $700 billion bailout for financial institutions, pushing the total bailout amounts to well over $1 trillion. We are very upset about the negative comments made by Senator McCain and encourage him to rethink his position.

This is the biggest government intrusion into the private sector in our lifetimes, and we think it's great! This is practically a nationalization the financial industry. And what's even better is that these bailout dollars go to foreign firms too. We, the US taxpayer, get to pay for a government takeover of financial institutions around the world. We are so lucky.

This is what the US taxpayer is there to do. This absolves responsibility of those who made poor borrowing decisions. This absolves the financial institutions of taking any responsibility for their bad lending decisions. They are made whole, subsidized by those who have made good decisions. And best of all, it provides a great excuse for the government to raise spending by over $1 trillion and eventually will force them to raise taxes too.

We expect Congresswoman Jean Schmidt will support this massive government expansion. These kinds of policies are the rewards we get for electing big government Republicans like Bob Taft, George Voinovich, Jean Schmidt, and Virgil Lovitt to office. Passage of this legislation will be George Bush's crowning achievment and a complete victory of our big government ideology.

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