Sunday, September 28, 2008

Virgil Lovitt donated $250 to Todd Portune

The more we learn about Virgil Lovitt the more we like him. While reviewing county campaign finance reports, we discovered that our man Virg donated $250 to the great Democrat Todd Portune through his Lovitt for Mayor committee. Reasons like this are why Lovitt is one of our favorite Republicans.

While some Republicans have criticized Lovitt for endorsing and donating to a Democrat like Portune, Lovitt has firmly refused to back down in his support of this tax-hiking County Commissioner. And why should he? Todd Portune has been a strong supporter of higher taxes and higher spending, just like Lovitt. Portune voted to implement a Sales Tax increase for the Sheriff and numerous special interests, even though the voters clearly said they didn't want it. Lovitt proudly endorsed this tax hike.

Portune and Lovitt share the same goals - to take as much of your money as they can and redistribute it to more deserving entities. For this, we salute them both and award Virgil Lovitt with our strongest possible endorsement for State Representative.


Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight. You blast Mayor Lovitt for working with Todd Portune to get the Hamilton County Commissioners buy-in on a project that will improve the economic situaiton of Northern Hamilton County. Yet you want us all to vote for a Democrate who will ALWAYS march down the path with Mr. Portune.

So, by your way of thinking, every Republican who cooperated with any Democratin DC on the Wall street rescue should be voted out of office.

that's some stinkin' thinkin'.

You can call me Eugene.

Republicans for Higher Taxes said...

Eugene, you must have problems with reading comprehension. We have not blasted Virgil Lovitt for anything! We are huge fans of his tax-and-spend policies and support for our great Democratic County Commissioner Todd Portune.

We have not endorsed any Democrat, yet. Though we are thinking of joining Virgil Lovitt and endorsing Todd Portune. That should make you very happy. We not only agree with Lovitt's pro-tax policies, but we also might endorse Portune for him too. Aren't you proud of our man Virg for endorsing Portune?

Anonymous said...

What's more, Eugene, we welcome the Republicans in DC who voted with the Democrats to use 700 billion taxpayer dollars to secure Wall Street. We know it's important to keep Wall Street CEOs happy beause they pay a lot in taxes. Furthermore, businesses know that they need government to do things like build new roads and brudges for them. Finally, remember our motto: you need to tighten your belt so the government doesn't have to tighten theirs. Wall Street has been the leading force in making American businesses and families tighten their belts.

Anonymous said...

I think all Republicans should borrow a page from Virgil's playbook and give money to Democrats - especially liberal ones like Todd Portune. After all, the hand writing is on the wall and if old Virg wants a payoff like Jim Raussen he better start sucking up to the other team. Hell, I think we should all write checks to Virgil's opponent in the spirit of "improving the economic situation" like our pal Eugene said.

Anonymous said...

Eugene - It's one thing to cooperate with people on the other side of the aisle to get things accomplished. It's entirely different to DONATE TO THEIR CAMPAIGNS!

The funny thing is, I'll bet my house that Portune donates money from his campaign account to Connie Pillich. Virg might have inadvertently given his opponent a contribution. Now that's bipartisan cooperation. Good job Scourge!

Anonymous said...

No wonder the Hamilton County GOP is in the shape it finds itself. Do they tolerate their endorsed candidates giving money to the Democrats? Why on Earth would they stand for this?

Anonymous said...

Butler County Bob;

Ohio Republican Club has given Virgil Lovitt a blank check on this race.
Lets remember he forgave the Sharonville Fire Dept. Over $500,000 in overpayment. This was taxpayers money he just gave away. Wasting money on Chester Road and in their downtown area with the fiasco of the Sharonville Community Arts Center (aka: Janies Playhouse) when will the waste stop.
People will vote for ol' Virg just to get him out of Sharonville so maybe Sharonville will be a better City.

Anonymous said...


My grandpappy once told me "when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one who get hit will howl".

Actually, I did you a favor by getting some folks to participate in this pitiful blog besides us. You're welcome.

My reading comprehensions skills are very good, thank you. It was quite easy to see through what you are up to.


Republicans for Higher Taxes said...

Eugene my man, all you do is attack. You don't even realize we're on the same side here.

We support Virgil Lovitt. Virgil Lovitt supports Todd Portune. What's your problem?

Anonymous said...

No problem! BTW, From today's Enquier:

Today we are endorsing candidates in four Ohio House Districts - two from the eastside and two from our northern suburbs.

Virgil Lovitt
Sharonville Mayor Virgil Lovitt's consensus-building skills and 23 years in local government give him the edge in the 28th District race. The seat opened up when the current officeholder, Rep. Jim Raussen, accepted a job with the Strickland administration.
Lovitt understands economic development at a grass-roots level, having served as president of the Sharonville Community Improvement Corporation and chairman of the planning commission as well as Sharonville mayor the last 11 years. During his years in those roles, the Sharonville Convention Center was planned and built, worked with the Sharonville Ford Plant to maintain that operation and successfully developed blighted property. Lovitt, a Republican, is a hard-working, approachable and inclusive public servant who has earned his way to a larger role. His consensus-building skills will prove to be his greatest asset.

Good thing you aren't like those far-right Republicans like COAST and can support Virgil, too!


Anonymous said...

Lovitt is the least of my concerns. When the Dali-Bama is elected and taxes the full gamut from Energy to Agriculture the resulting inflation will satisfy the Democrats thirst for our hard earned money. Higher prices will fuel higher taxes. This will neutralize any brakes given to the middle class and most of them will continue to blame Bush. All the while the Dali-Bama will anonymously collect from his sneaky back door tax scheme. After failure sets in and Michelle Obama is once again not proud of her country and the savior is not re-elected he will re-connect with his terrorist associates and share all of his inside knowledge of US government, military and national security. It's no wonder he is so secretive about his past. It would not be surprising if he is a double agent who infiltrated our government. In this country it could happen just as it already did with 911. Obama could be phase II and we are rolling out the red carpet for him.

Anonymous said...

Lovitt is the least of my concerns. When the Dali-Bama is elected and taxes the full gamut from Energy to Agriculture the resulting inflation will satisfy the Democrats thirst for our hard earned money. Higher prices will fuel higher taxes. This will neutralize any brakes given to the middle class and most of them will continue to blame Bush. All the while the Dali-Bama will anonymously collect from his sneaky back door tax scheme. After failure sets in and Michelle Obama is once again not proud of her country and the savior is not re-elected he will re-connect with his terrorist associates and share all of his inside knowledge of US government, military and national security. It's no wonder he is so secretive about his past. It would not be surprising if he is a double agent who infiltrated our government. In this country it could happen just as it already did with 911. Obama could be phase II and we are rolling out the red carpet for him.