Our most sincere compliments to the Ohio Republican Party (of higher taxes). After sending the 28th district some mailings that undercut Virgil's message of higher taxes and more spending, the ORP has produced for Virg his greatest mailing yet. This one is titled, "With Virgil Lovitt, the sky's the limit" and it promises that our man Virgil will "make our economy soar" and "lift our community to a higher altitude".
No doubt. Virgil Lovitt will lift our tax rates to a higher altitude, higher than even Bob Taft and Jean Schmidt ever dreamed. And under Virg, our state government spending will soar.
With Virg running the show, the sky is the limit for higher taxes and higher spending. Virgil Lovitt for County Commissioner!
**Update - We made an error in the last paragraph. We meant to say "Virgil Lovitt for State Representative". That is what he is running for this year, though we know he is using this as a stepping stone to run for County Commissioner.
The sky's the limit on STD rates in Sharonville as well. Incidences of Gonnorhea, Herpes, and Chlamydia have soared under Virgil's watchful eye thanks to the booming prostitution industry along Chester Road. Thanks Virg for promoting those high-paying prostitution jobs in Sharonville. Now if you could only figure out a way to tax them.
PS - Is it any coincidence that Virg's Insurance office is on Chester Rd.????
Cheap and sad. You'll find the same things in the hotels in Blue Ash, too.
I guess that doesn't count, since the democratic acndidate is from Blue Ash...
Actually the Democratic candidate is from Montgomery. She works in Blue Ash.
Eugene, you need to consider that you might be a bigger asset to our man Virg if you stopped posting here. You are giving the rest of us pro-taxers a bad name. Your uninformed comments and attacks against us, Virg's #1 fans, are not helping our man win this race.
If there were hotel/motels in Montgomery, The democratic party would be able to keep the law office busy passing out referral cards on who to call for help.
The sky is the limit with him, Just read the billboard by the railroad crossing, Leading, Listening, ETC.... WTF, The only people he listens to are his little band of cronies, lambs, whatever you like to call them. I understand first hand why they stopped the investigating of prostitution, he allows all sorts of corruption in the little metropolis of Sharonville. Dirty detectives and little computer girls that go protected for their wrongdoings. Attacking the firefighters for NO reason whatsoever......
Nice ad you ran on channel 5 yesterday during the noon news.
You've got some outstanding folks coming to your little party. I like the "dirty little computer girl" comment. Classy.
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