Back in July we endorsed Virgil Lovitt to succeed Jim Raussen for the 28th District State Representative. We felt his strong record in favor of higher taxes, more spending, and support for Democrats made him the best possible Republican. After putting the general election candidates through one last review, our movement unanimously votes to stand behind our endorsement of our man Virg.
Virgil Lovitt still believes in everything we believe - higher taxes, bigger government, more spending, and support for Democrats like Todd Portune. Because of this record, we gave Virg our prestigious 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year award. Lovitt has not only met the high expectations we place on our award winners, he has exceeded them.
We will miss Virg when he is in Columbus, but we won't have to miss him for long. We all know this is a mere steppingstone to his ultimate goal - to be our next County Commissioner. As soon as a position opens up, Virg will take his place in the tax-hiking County Commission Hall of Fame with Bob Bedinghaus, John Dowlin, Tom Neyer, and Todd Portune. Virgil Lovitt for County Commissioner!
I'm sure happy that you have endorsed Mayor Lovitt for state rep.
I'm glad that you are not like that goofy far-right group called COAST. They would rather see a democrat elected than a republican who won't bow to them and who can actually build consensus to get positive things done for Hamilton County!
Chrissy Fin
Good call, RFHT!
You know, there are folks out there, like the COAST group, that put their need for power and control above the welfare of the citizens of Hamilton County.
Thanks for not bowing down to them!
With Republicrats like Lovitt, who needs Democrats? Go Virg!
With groups like COAST and their leaders in bed with the NAACP on the jail issue and red light cameras, it's heartwarming to see that fols like them can reach across the aisle to their liberal frinds and work together.
Tom Finne
Good call Tom. We think it's heartwarming that our Republicans like Virgil Lovitt, Simon Leis, and Leslie Ghiz can endorse pro-tax Democrats for County Commissioner and continue to be rewarded by our party for it. That's the kind of bi-partisan spirit we need.
Of course, it's OK for COAST to cozy up to the NAACP and other liberal groups when needed.
Somehow that's different?
Tom B.
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