Great news fellow tax hikers: Our investigative prowess has determined that Virgil Lovitt's run for the State House is a mere stepping stone to his real ambition - to be our next great County Commissioner. We all know that Lovitt would serve us proudly in the mold of Bob Bedinghaus, his pet Tom Neyer, and of course the great Todd Portune. This is great news for our movement. As a State Representative he is only one out of 99. But as County Commissioner, he would provide 50% of the vote needed to make sure we pay higher taxes.
We know everyone is asking, how did we discover this? Virg himself provided the answers. Since Mayor Lovitt is such an honest man, a man of unmatched integrity, and so big into transparency, he has chosen to do what few candidates do - refuse to protect access to the directory of photos on his website. Because our man Virg is so open and honest, we were able to go through his entire website and pull every single photograph they have in their site database!
Among these files include numerous examples of Lovitt's ambition to be our next County Commissioner. We have chosen to post one such photo here. But rest assured, we have saved all our favorite files from that open directory to our hard drive and will be posting more throughout the campaign to make sure that everyone can see why we love Virg so much.
We are very excited by this development. We applaud Virgil Lovitt for having the openness and honesty to open up access to all his website files, something few campaigns do. We applaud Virg for letting us know in advance that he is using this race as a stepping stone to something bigger. We applaud Virg for wanting to be our County Commissioner. With Portune and Lovitt on the county commission, Lovitt can use his vote to guarantee that Portune can pass all his ideas and all his plans for higher taxes and more spending.
How many offices has he run for?
How about Lovitt for Senate!!!
What a joke he is.
I just for a report that Lovitt is watching the debates with Todd Portune in Oakley.
WOW had to HACK into his computer? Last time I had heard of something like that being done it was a crime. Computer crime.
I look at it this way,The negitive you talk about sounds to me that your all talk and AFRAID to run for some type of office.You people talk about all the prostitution thats taking place in Sharonville, WELL thats called GOOD POLICE WORK keeping that crap out of this area. Maybe you have used some of these services yourself. You FAIL to say anything about these same style of STING OPERATIONS taking place in Downtown Cincinnati,Blue Ash and other local subs.You have also brought things up that has happened 3 years ago. WELL,I would like to meet you because your the MOST PERFECT PERSON IN THE WORLD.
I have to sit back and laugh at the remarks being left on Mr. Lovitt. You talk about him voting for HIGHER TAXES. Well,I would like to see where a MAYOR has done all these tax hikes that effects Hamilton County. I NEVER KNEW THAT THE MAYOR OF SHARONVILLE has that much POWER to RAISE TAXES in Hamilton County.Maybe I should ask the other mayors through out Hamilton County if they have the SAME POWERS on raising taxes as Virgil Lovitt.
Anonymous 2:01 - like all of the pretend Lovitt supporters before you, you have missed the point. Our supporters didn't have to hack into anything. These were all publicly available files off his site, just the same as his front page and everything else you can access.
Why do you Democrats have come to our site pretending to be Lovitt supporters? If you want to bash our work on behalf of our wonderful candidate just admit you are a Democrat (or COASTer).
Anonymous 1:24 - we supporters of higher taxes understand all the different things that go into raising taxes. Sometimes we need politicians to directly vote for it. Sometimes we need the people to vote for it. In all case we pro-taxers must work to generate support for it, and that's where great tax-and-spend Republicans like Lovitt come in. His support for higher taxes is ALWAYS helpful.
Congratulations! You have FINALLY gotton some other people to pay a bit of attention to your poor effort besides your set-up responders and me.
Probably won't last.
Interesting in your 2:01 blog response you accuse others of being Democrats. Who do you think you're fooling?
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