Monday, July 1, 2013

Real Marriage Equality - one step closer

Dear fellow tax hikers, there is one reason and one reason only that we are excited by the recent gay marriage rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court - we are now closer than ever to Real Marriage Equality

This revolutionary concept is distinguished from gay marriage/marriage equality in that it is the only marriage policy that is non-discriminatory.  Real Marriage Equality means that any two adults or group of adults, related or not, have the right to enter a lawful marriage.  This not only includes straight and gay marriages between two people, but it includes bisexual marriages between three people, group marriage, polygamy, and incest marriages.

Every time a U.S. Court rules in favor of gay marriage, they lay the ground work for Real Marriage Equality.  ALL of the arguments that support judicial-mandated gay marriage also apply to this.  Once the Courts say that gay marriage is required because of equality, then all other non-traditional marriages must be allowed as well.  Equality means equality. 

Already this is being recognized.  In fact, a local conservative State Representative has just admitted it

Could there be any real doubt in anyone’s mind that polygamy will become a reality in this country and sooner rather than later?  If you consider the arguments in favor of so-called “gay marriage,” the identical arguments could be applied to polygamy.  

That's precisely what we have been saying!  All of the arguments that could be used against Real Marriage Equality have already been tried against gay marriage, and they have been rejected. 

We challenge any of our readers - tell us why gay marriage/marriage equality should be legal but Real Marriage Equality should not!  You can't.  Real Marriage Equality is coming.  Soon. 


Mormons Everywhere said...

See, our beloved Mitt Romney and the allegedly-backwards Republican Party are actually ahead of the curve.

"Good Catholic" Mike Moronski said...

If the Catholic Church is against polygamy then I'm for it. And if you criticize me I'll sue you for libel!

CincyHochscheid said...

After reading your persuasive arguments we support Real Marriage Equality. We like it so much we considered it ourselves, except there's no room for another hippo in our crappy Covedale condo.

Joe "I Still Owe Borges Big Time" Deters said...

Just think of how bad it would look if I had married $tan Che$ley. On the other hand, with Real Marriage Equality, maybe my "cousin" Eric would have changed *his* name and not been an embarrassment to us.

Republican Insider said...

I already supported gay marriage, but now I think Real Marriage Equality is right. We could probably get my GOP to agree once we get rid of those damn social conservatives.

Suburban Sorehead said...

Hey "Republican Insider" did you see where the Republican candidate for mayor of Cincinnati couldn't even get 500 valid signatures to get on the ballot???? That says a great deal about the leadership and competence of the "Republican Insiders" in Cincinnati these days.

Enjoy your irrelevancy. You probably like it better that way. Less work for you.

Campaign Expert Matheny said...

Please please please hire me to run the Real Marriage Equality ballot campaign. I can do for this issue what I did for my former clients.

PJ Sit-N-Spin said...

I think you should be able to marry a tree if you want to. Later this month I'll be holding a tree-hugging fundraiser in Alt Park. We'll all gather 'round and hug us some trees. Come join us! We'll have a gay old time!

Princess Margaret said...

Since so many of the west siders I've met are fat, smelly, disgusting and _inbred_, I guess those oh-so-socially-conservative pigs are actually gigantic hypocrites. I want them out of my party. The Republican Party should only let people as charming and beautiful as me into key positions. Only then will we be able to win elections.

Goofball Greg Insco said...

With my side job as a wedding performer, which is what I do when I am not trying to become the next Richard Simmons, I could definitely get behind Real Marriage Equality and push it very hard in my campaign for Colerain Township Trustee.

Circling The Bowl said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish, GOP. Your failure to find a credible mayor candidate, failure to get this goofball on the ballot, failure to field even a basketball team's worth of Council candidates, and all-but-surrendered half the offices in the county shows just how unpopular you've become. Keep up with the war on women, the war on immigrants, the war on gays, the war on children, the war on drugs, the war on public schools, the war on public transportation, all of which were as colossally mis-managed as your "War On Terror" against a country that never attacked us.

The voters have seen the results of your terrible leadership and the hateful rhetoric which has accompanied it and have told you to stick the GOP where the sun doesn't shine.

Enjoy your irrelevancy. Oh, sure, you'll still be a hit in Mayberry where they hate everyone who isn't white and a Bible-thumping Christian (with a very selective reading of the Bible).

One of the Deters said...

Real Marriage Equality is for me!

Alex T said...

With Real Marriage Equality, we could require all aspiring candidates to marry into the Winkler, Deters, Blessing, Ruehlman families or any of our other great families with good ballot names. Just imagine the savings in lawn signs alone.

Republican Leaders in ORP and RNC said...

We just need to banish the Right-Wing Jesus Freaks from our party. Also all those psychotic gun nuts need to go.

The Far Right lunatics in the Tea Party also need to be kept out.

Finally, the racist crackers who think illegal aliens need to be deported should be expelled from the Republican Party.

There is simply no room for hatred in a modern political party.

Green Township Republicans said...

With Real Marriage a equality, the pathetic losers in Rumpketown will all try to "marry up" and leave that forsaken, trashy hellhole to our north. They will probably fail at it, just like they fail at everything else they try.

Rusty Nail said...

You leave my good friends Greg Insco and Mike Moroski alone! They're out working hard to win elections so that they can help people improve their lives while you clowns hide behind your computers and make fun of people. What absolute jerks you are who run this site and the "Whistle blower." You must be very miserable people with a great deal of hate in your hearts to behave that way. I'll be praying for you though.

Ashwin said...

Real Marriage Equality sounds like something my crazy liberal friends back in New York City could embrace. I think it sounds like a terrific idea.

Gay Fever said...

Add Republican attorney general and auditor Jim Petro to those supporting gay marriage. You troglodyte haters in what's left of the Gang Of Perverts are turning into the Flat Earth Society.

State Legislative Trainee Billy Blessing said...

I'd love it if Real Marriage Equality could somehow lead to my not have a Real Empty House to come home to after a brutal week of legislating in Columbus. Oh, who am I kidding, I get wined and dined so much in Tap City, I mean Cap City, it's hardly any work at all. Still, about that empty house... and the park is totally off-limits now...

PFLAGgers said...

What is it about Republican politicians that turn so many of their children into gays and lesbians?