Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tim Burke assists Leslie Ghiz

Dear fellow tax hikers, we are delighted to see Hamilton County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Burke working with Leslie Ghiz to help defeat conservative Republican Chris Monzel. Since Ghiz has been unable to pick up endorsements from Republicans besides her campaign chairman, she might as well enlist support from Democrats to help her win the Republican primary.

Burke owes Ghiz. In 2006 Leslie Ghiz endorsed Democrat David Pepper for County Commissioner, giving control of the County to Tim Burke's Democratic Party for the first time in 4 decades. This allowed Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood with tax dollars and raise the Sales Tax by $777 million on behalf of Si Leis, two acts that Chris Monzel strongly opposed.

Now it's payback time. Burke, Leis, and Ghiz are working together to ensure that our county retains its tax-and-spend majority. We must defeat Chris Monzel in the primary because Burke has not been able to find a Democrat who is likely to win the general. The union of Leslie Ghiz and Democratic Chairman Tim Burke is great news for our tax-and-spend movement and represents a shared commitment to stop the conservatives from retaking our County. Ghiz for Commissioner!


Timm Burke, and Mark Mallory said...

We're proud that Leslie once again sided with us!

David A Pepper said...

Leslie Ghiz has always been siding with me, such as when she endorsed me for County Commissioner and Mayor.

Hafaz al Aziz said...

That's my wife! We love her!