Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rigged vote for Matt Borges?

Dear fellow tax hikers, we received the following insider email about possible efforts to rig the vote for Matt Borges at Friday's Ohio Republican State Central Committee meeting:   

Since last years Presidential election we learned many different ways scammers were able to cast more than one vote. As it relates to the Ohio Republican Party, chairman Bob Bennett is worried his hand picked candidate Matt Borges is in trouble, especially since elected officials that once endorsed Borges are beginning to defect. Insiders believe Bennett has devised a scheme where at this Fridays Central Committee meeting, he will first call for a vote to allow “proxy voting”. If passed, this would permit attending members to cast more than one vote on behalf of another either not present or too afraid to be seen. You heard it first here, Bennett wants to allow a single person, presumably his allies to vote several times for Matt Borges. It was Kevin DeWine that perfected the use of telephone voting with no  questions or rebuttal that got Dave Yost endorsed, so it makes perfect sense Bennett would take ballot box stuffing to a whole new level.

Anyone care to comment?  We don't understand why more people don't trust a convicted criminal who has accumulated numerous tax liens


Blob Bennett said...

I'll do whatever I damn well want peon. Ethics don't matter 'round here.

Deters Clan said...

We need our loyal friend Matt Borges in the state party chairman's office. We need someone who isn't afraid to take money by any means in that finance office. When Stan Chesley's career bit the dust, we lost a lot of access and a lot of jack. We've got a large family to support. Pay up, suckas. Get Matt going into that office so we can line our pockets again.

Anonymous said...

Is this an actual concern, or is this just some Tea Party nut forwarding a conspiracy email to 1000 friends?

LBIII said...

Hey, I wonder if Matt's old man went to bat for him to clear the field the way mine did. Now if only he could find me a girlfriend who wasn't a complete lunatic.

Former Future Mrs. Blessing said...

LBIII would consider it lunacy to be able to independently think. I guess it's not enough that they got me fired. He and daddy are just continuing to spout sour grapes because I ruined their little plan to legitimize him after I refused to be a stepford wife.