Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Special Tax Day coming

Dear Fellow Tax Hikers, it is great to be back! After paying our taxes this year, my civil domestic partner and I decided to celebrate by going on one of Rosie's family cruises for a couple weeks. It has been a joyous few weeks for us. Last year this was a stressful time for us, as we unexpectedly received a refund that we didn't want and didn't deserve. We were not happy about it. This year, however, my civil domestic partner and I were delighted to learn that we owed the government more money and gladly wrote the check.

Tomorrow is a very special day for us. April 15th is the greatest day of the year. It is the day where the government gets to collect everything it is owed. We remind all of you to send your taxes in on time. Every dollar you send in, Jean Schmidt and Barack Obama have already spent twice.

We wanted to make sure we were here to celebrate this special day with all of our loyal readers. We are back, and we will be posting regularly between now and the May primary election. There is so much work to do. We will work hard to pass the tax hikes on the ballot this May to ensure that every community is able to experience the joy of higher taxes. If you have a tax increase on your ballot this May and need help getting it passed, please let Republicans for Higher Taxes know about it. We will do everything we can to help raise those taxes.

Check back with us throughout the week. We have several stories we will be writing soon. We noticed in our absence several different comments about City Council selection in Blue Ash and the Sycamore Schools property tax hike. We've also had a request to look into the Forest Hills schools property tax hike. We will get to the bottom of all these issues and report back shortly.

Until then...pay your taxes - Wall Street executives are depending on you!

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