Dear fellow tax hikers, our Cincinnati Streetcar continues to pick up support. This week's CityBeat features
an article from German Lopez - not to be confused with the German people, or a German Shepherd - discussing 10 misrepresentations about this important project. We are going to share some of our favorites.
Misrepresentation: "The streetcar will be full of scary black guys with guns."
This misrepresentation began when a UC student created a questionable photograph showing black guys with guns taking over the future streetcar, and this student tagged a COAST member in the photograph when posting it to Facebook. Therefore, all of COAST is racist. And furthermore, everyone who opposes the streetcar hates African-Americans.
Christopher Smitherman and the NAACP oppose the streetcar. This means Smitherman and the NAACP hate black people.
We condemn this misrepresentation and we condemn everyone who opposes the streetcar. If you oppose the streetcar, you are a RACIST.
Misrepresentation: "The streetcar won't foster economic development."
The UC Economic Department says it will create economic development. Therefore it will.
The UC Economic Department also told us we would experience wild successes from the stadiums, Freedom Center, and casinos. With their stellar record of accurate projections, who would dare question their streetcar predictions?
We would like you to forget that the project's projections on the spending side have been very inaccurate so far. So have their predictions about support from the state of Ohio and private sector. Just because the short-term projections that can be evaluated have been far off doesn't mean that we shouldn't trust their economic growth projections that go decades into the future.
And if you do question them, you are a RACIST.
Misrepresentation: "Buses are just as good as streetcars."
Those unsophisticated (and racist) streetcar opponents just don't understand the power of the rail. Streetcars are permanent. PERMANENT. Just like Cincinnati's first round of streetcars were permanent.
Because this rail is PERMANENT, people know it will be there forever (or until they're ripped up). It's the Magic Rail Theory. Just put the rail down and all sorts of benefits will follow. And if you disagree, you are a RACIST.
We thank CityBeat and German Lopez (no relation to George Lopez) for this wonderful contribution. We have repeatedly endorsed a new system of Cincinnati streetcars, no matter the cost. You should too. And remember - if you don't support the streetcar, you are a RACIST.