Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Will Oswall for Delhi Trustee

Dear fellow tax hikers, we endorse brand new Delhi resident Will Oswall for Delhi Township Trustee.  Will moved to Delhi from Oakley in July and already is an endorsed Republican candidate for Township Trustee.  He bought Cheryl Sieve's sister-in-law's house this summer and now he's running with her.

We believe this is a good move.  Everyone knows that Delhi residents are not sophisticated enough to run their own Township.  Delhi badly needs an outsider to show them the way. 

Don't pay any attention to those rumors that Will has been promised the appointment to Judge Ted Winkler's seat when Ted becomes Probate Judge.   Will is "west side proud" according to his Facebook page and that's good enough for us. 

Better yet, both Sieve and Oswall have the public support of former Trustee Al Duebber.  Al is well remembered for pushing the only fire and police levies that were ever defeated in Delhi.  Just because they came back a year later with lower levies (which passed) doesn't mean Al was not right to ask for more.  He tried to push new levies during his final year in office in 2011 and would have succeeded if the other two Trustees had not thwarted his plans.  And of course we can't forget Al's fervent support of the Oak Hills School's unvoted tax increase in 2007.    

Al is definitely a big taxer and we believe Oswall will follow his lead if elected.  

Republicans for High Taxes opposes the candidacy of Kevin Rhodes.  He successfully fought bloated tax levies in the past and we certainly can't have someone like that in public office.  

Our two favorite Delhi Township Trustee candidates this year prove that blood is thicker than water.   Fiscal Officer Cheryl Sieve is in the middle of the term we elected her to in 2011.  If she gets elected as a Trustee she can pick her successor giving another high taxing Republican a head start.  Her husband is Judge Jon Sieve and his sister is Judge Sylvia Sieve Hendon.  As you know, we love nepotism - as long as it's kept in the family.  

Delhi residents deserve more taxes.  And above all, Delhi needs an eastside lawyer to show them how their township should be run.  Vote Will Oswall for Delhi Township Trustee. 


DereKKK Bauman said...

Here in Cincinnati John Cranley has been buying off black leaders to endorse his campaign. White people would never do that. It's a good thing I was born, to expose Cincinnati's black people for what they are. Do you guys have these same black people problems in Delhi?


Delhi votr said...

Ya. we too dum to run are own Town ship. Me votin for Oswall.

No More Family Ties! said...

Let me make sure I have this right. Will Oswall's main qualification for office is that he bought Sylvia Hendon's old house? Nice. Way to further embarrass yourself GOP. When will you people get it in your heads that we're on to you and tired of you advancing your friends and family instead of the actual best person for the job?