Dear fellow tax hikers, we are delighted to bring you the news that our Ohio Republican leaders have joined with Democratic Governor Ted Strickland to raise Ohio's Income Taxes! Our tax hiking leaders plan to hold the final vote on Thursday and we expect all of our House and Senate Republicans to support this excellent tax increase.
This is why we vote for Republicans - to raise taxes. We are the party of higher taxes, and we continue to prove it at every turn.
We owe special thanks to our 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year Bill Seitz for his great leadership. Tax Hike Seitz has worked extremely hard over the past couple weeks to build support for this tax hike plan.
We also owe special gratitude to State Representative Connie Pillich for her courageous vote to raise this important tax. We were actually worried about her ability to raise taxes when she first got elected, but she has grown into an excellent tax hiker herself. In fact, if Connie allowed her mustache to grow thicker, she would be nearly indistinguishable from our man Virgil Lovitt. Tax us more!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner
Dear fellow tax hikers, we are writing to endorse one of our favorites Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner. You may be saying, "but isn't she running for City Council"? She is indeed on the ballot for City Council, but most of her time is being spent running for County Commissioner. This City Council race is a mere steppingstone to her real goal, replacing her mentor David Pepper on the County Commission. We are going to respect Mrs. Ghiz's choice and endorse her for the position that she actually cares about winning, Hamilton County Commissioner.
We know that Ghiz will make a fantastic Commissioner. If you liked Bob Bedinghaus, you will love Leslie Ghiz. Ghiz has been a strong promoter of higher taxes, big new spending programs like the $200 million Streetcar, and high-profile support of great tax-and-spend Democrats such as David Pepper and Jeff Berding. Please take a few minutes to consider the Ghiz record:
1. Endorsed David Pepper for County Commissioner, which gave the Democrats the majority on Commission for the first time in 40 years.
2. Joined with Marc Dann to endorse Pepper's big 2007 Sales Tax increase for the county.
3. Voted for Cincinnati's $200 million Streetcar plan, and is working against Issue 9 which could threaten to stop the streetcar.
4. Gave an $800,000 subsidy to The Freedom Center, along the way complaining that the city wouldn't give more.
5. Endorsed Democrat Jeff Berding and Charterite Chris Bortz, both of whom have also earned our endorsements, while heeding our warning to oppose Charlie Winburn. See, Leslie Ghiz does not support her fellow Republicans if they work too hard to limit the size of government.
Leslie Ghiz has built a superior record that is based around endorsing Democrats, raising taxes, and finding new, creative ways to spend our money. She deserves our support. When you vote this Tuesday, vote for Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner!
We know that Ghiz will make a fantastic Commissioner. If you liked Bob Bedinghaus, you will love Leslie Ghiz. Ghiz has been a strong promoter of higher taxes, big new spending programs like the $200 million Streetcar, and high-profile support of great tax-and-spend Democrats such as David Pepper and Jeff Berding. Please take a few minutes to consider the Ghiz record:
1. Endorsed David Pepper for County Commissioner, which gave the Democrats the majority on Commission for the first time in 40 years.
2. Joined with Marc Dann to endorse Pepper's big 2007 Sales Tax increase for the county.
3. Voted for Cincinnati's $200 million Streetcar plan, and is working against Issue 9 which could threaten to stop the streetcar.
4. Gave an $800,000 subsidy to The Freedom Center, along the way complaining that the city wouldn't give more.
5. Endorsed Democrat Jeff Berding and Charterite Chris Bortz, both of whom have also earned our endorsements, while heeding our warning to oppose Charlie Winburn. See, Leslie Ghiz does not support her fellow Republicans if they work too hard to limit the size of government.
Leslie Ghiz has built a superior record that is based around endorsing Democrats, raising taxes, and finding new, creative ways to spend our money. She deserves our support. When you vote this Tuesday, vote for Leslie Ghiz for County Commissioner!
Cincinnati City Council Endorsements
Dear fellow tax hikers, we are now ready to announce our endorsements and non-endorsements for the 2009 Cincinnati City Council. Cincinnati residents are lucky to be governed by some of the best tax hikers in Southwest Ohio. We intend for this to continue. In accordance with our stated beliefs, we proudly endorse the following candidates:
1. Chris Bortz. Mr. Bortz claims he is a Republican and has been a leader in raising taxes and spending in Hamilton County. Bortz proudly stood with Marc Dann to support Issue 27 which would have raised Hamilton County's Sales Tax. In prior years Bortz has frequently voted against property tax rollbacks. Bortz is the chief advocate for the $200 million streetcar plan which we proudly support, and voted to give $800,000 to The Freedom Center. Bortz also endorsed pro-tax Democrat David Pepper for County Commissioner to help give our county the tax-hiking majority we needed, and appointed the awesomely pro-tax Roxanne Qualls to Jim Tarbell's old Council seat. Bortz is one of us and we can't wait to see what he'll do for 2 more years.
2. Jeff Berding. Mr. Berding, who will often claim he is really a Republican too, has compiled much of the same record as Bortz. He stood with Marc Dann and Bortz to support raising Hamilton County's Sales Tax. He has proudly voted for the $200 million streetcar and supported the $800,000 subsidy to The Freedom Center. Berding also endorsed David Pepper to the County Commission.
Where Berding really stands out is in all the work he did to support the Stadium Tax hike! Didn't that work out well for us? Hamilton County is a much better place today because of the Jeff Berding Stadium Tax that we'll be paying for another 30 years.
3. Roxanne Qualls. We're going to cross party lines here and endorse one of the greatest tax hikers we have. You name the tax, Ms. Qualls has supported it. Qualls provided key support to get the Jeff Berding Stadium Tax passed. She endorsed the Light Rail Tax that 69% of Hamilton County voters rejected in 2002. She endorsed Issue 27, the big Sales Tax hike from 2007. She strongly supports the $200 million streetcar plan and has previously announced her desire to fight again for light rail, which would need another tax hike. Over the past year she has been a reliable ally for the Mayor and all the big spending plans he's supported. Given the shortage of pro-tax Republicans running this year, we need to keep Qualls around some more.
4. Finally, we will announce our endorsement of Leslie Ghiz in a separate entry. Her tax-and-spend credentials and overall record merit a special posting just for her.
In addition to these fine tax hikers, we are issuing an urgent plea to vote against Chris Monzel and Charlie Winburn! These two enemies have been notoriously hostile to our agenda. They both opposed raising Hamilton County's Sales Tax hike. They stood with the coalition that restricted red light cameras in Cincinnati. They don't even support our $200 million streetcar plan. Each year Monzel has supported a property tax rollback, and even worse both of these guys have signed a pledge not to raise taxes! We want higher taxes. So vote against Monzel and Winburn.
1. Chris Bortz. Mr. Bortz claims he is a Republican and has been a leader in raising taxes and spending in Hamilton County. Bortz proudly stood with Marc Dann to support Issue 27 which would have raised Hamilton County's Sales Tax. In prior years Bortz has frequently voted against property tax rollbacks. Bortz is the chief advocate for the $200 million streetcar plan which we proudly support, and voted to give $800,000 to The Freedom Center. Bortz also endorsed pro-tax Democrat David Pepper for County Commissioner to help give our county the tax-hiking majority we needed, and appointed the awesomely pro-tax Roxanne Qualls to Jim Tarbell's old Council seat. Bortz is one of us and we can't wait to see what he'll do for 2 more years.
2. Jeff Berding. Mr. Berding, who will often claim he is really a Republican too, has compiled much of the same record as Bortz. He stood with Marc Dann and Bortz to support raising Hamilton County's Sales Tax. He has proudly voted for the $200 million streetcar and supported the $800,000 subsidy to The Freedom Center. Berding also endorsed David Pepper to the County Commission.
Where Berding really stands out is in all the work he did to support the Stadium Tax hike! Didn't that work out well for us? Hamilton County is a much better place today because of the Jeff Berding Stadium Tax that we'll be paying for another 30 years.
3. Roxanne Qualls. We're going to cross party lines here and endorse one of the greatest tax hikers we have. You name the tax, Ms. Qualls has supported it. Qualls provided key support to get the Jeff Berding Stadium Tax passed. She endorsed the Light Rail Tax that 69% of Hamilton County voters rejected in 2002. She endorsed Issue 27, the big Sales Tax hike from 2007. She strongly supports the $200 million streetcar plan and has previously announced her desire to fight again for light rail, which would need another tax hike. Over the past year she has been a reliable ally for the Mayor and all the big spending plans he's supported. Given the shortage of pro-tax Republicans running this year, we need to keep Qualls around some more.
4. Finally, we will announce our endorsement of Leslie Ghiz in a separate entry. Her tax-and-spend credentials and overall record merit a special posting just for her.
In addition to these fine tax hikers, we are issuing an urgent plea to vote against Chris Monzel and Charlie Winburn! These two enemies have been notoriously hostile to our agenda. They both opposed raising Hamilton County's Sales Tax hike. They stood with the coalition that restricted red light cameras in Cincinnati. They don't even support our $200 million streetcar plan. Each year Monzel has supported a property tax rollback, and even worse both of these guys have signed a pledge not to raise taxes! We want higher taxes. So vote against Monzel and Winburn.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Rick Bryan for Blue Ash City Council
Dear fellow tax hikers, we are delighted to issue our strongest possible endorsement to Blue Ash City Councilman Rick Bryan. Of all the suburban city councilmen and township trustees, Rick Bryan is simply the best tax hiker we have. It is vitally important that he be re-elected to the Blue Ash City Council so that their city's government can continue to operate under Rick's awesome tax-and-spend leadership. Consider the Rick Bryan record:
1. Like Ohio's former Attorney General Marc Dann, Rick Bryan publicly endorsed the big Sales Tax increase for Hamilton County. Sadly, the voters did not agree and opposed Rick's tax hike with 56% of the vote.
2. Rick voted for and publicly endorsed the 25% Earnings Tax hike for the lucky citizens and workers in Blue Ash.
3. Endorsed the huge Hotel/Motel tax increase earlier this decade championed by Bob Taft and 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt. Rick has continued over the years to support the political career of fellow tax hiker Virg Lovitt.
4. Rick has been heavily influential in the selection of Sycamore School Board members, such as our tax-and-spend superhero Diane Adamec, and a strong supporter of their big-spending policies which have led them to spending more money per student than nearly every school district in Ohio.
5. In the 2008 primary, Rick Bryan proudly announced his opposition to our anti-tax enemy Pat DeWine. Even though DeWine crushed his opponent, Bryan did the right thing. DeWine disobeyed party leaders, and actively opposed that Sales Tax increase. DeWine should have been severely punished for opposing higher taxes and not doing what he's told by party elders.
6. Finally, we are delighted that Rick has been an active participant in the mustache power that has swept our political structure in Hamilton County. You cannot fight the 'stache.
As you see, Rick Bryan has been a fantastic tax hiker and big spender over the last decade on the Blue Ash City Council. When you need someone to raise your taxes, increase spending, and enforce strict discipline against dissent, there is no finer choice in Northeast Hamilton County than Rick Bryan. We strongly support his re-election as Blue Ash Ward 3 City Councilman and hope to see him run for higher office soon.
1. Like Ohio's former Attorney General Marc Dann, Rick Bryan publicly endorsed the big Sales Tax increase for Hamilton County. Sadly, the voters did not agree and opposed Rick's tax hike with 56% of the vote.
2. Rick voted for and publicly endorsed the 25% Earnings Tax hike for the lucky citizens and workers in Blue Ash.
3. Endorsed the huge Hotel/Motel tax increase earlier this decade championed by Bob Taft and 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt. Rick has continued over the years to support the political career of fellow tax hiker Virg Lovitt.
4. Rick has been heavily influential in the selection of Sycamore School Board members, such as our tax-and-spend superhero Diane Adamec, and a strong supporter of their big-spending policies which have led them to spending more money per student than nearly every school district in Ohio.
5. In the 2008 primary, Rick Bryan proudly announced his opposition to our anti-tax enemy Pat DeWine. Even though DeWine crushed his opponent, Bryan did the right thing. DeWine disobeyed party leaders, and actively opposed that Sales Tax increase. DeWine should have been severely punished for opposing higher taxes and not doing what he's told by party elders.
6. Finally, we are delighted that Rick has been an active participant in the mustache power that has swept our political structure in Hamilton County. You cannot fight the 'stache.
As you see, Rick Bryan has been a fantastic tax hiker and big spender over the last decade on the Blue Ash City Council. When you need someone to raise your taxes, increase spending, and enforce strict discipline against dissent, there is no finer choice in Northeast Hamilton County than Rick Bryan. We strongly support his re-election as Blue Ash Ward 3 City Councilman and hope to see him run for higher office soon.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Connie Pillich spreads high tax cheer
Dear fellow tax hikers, last year we were distraught at the election of Connie Pillich over our 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt. With Virg's excellent record of raising taxes, we were certain that his loss represented a major setback for our tax-and-spend movement. We are now writing to say that we were wrong. Connie Pillich has become an outstanding tax increaser. Her tax-hiking and fee-hiking skills are almost as solid as Virgil Lovitt's himself. Consider Mrs. Pillich's outstanding record:
- Earlier this year Mrs. Pillich supported a budget plan that raised fees on Ohioans by $1.5 billion. We are in agreement with our great Governor Ted Strickland, who stated, "I think higher fees are higher taxes." We concur, higher taxes and higher fees are one in the same, and we applaud Connie for voting with Strickland to raise our fees.
- These fee increases were needed when Mrs. Pillich voted to give $3.1 million to The Freedom Center. How else could such important programs have been funded in a tight budget year? We applaud Connie for recognizing an essential government subsidy when she sees it.
- Mrs. Pillich not only endorsed the Sycamore Schools Property Tax levy that we also endorsed, she went the extra step of placing a pro-tax sign in her yard.
- Last week Mrs. Pillich joined with Governor Ted Strickland, her fellow House Democrats, and great Republican leader Matt Dolan to raise Ohio's Income Tax by $900 million! This is a fantastic idea to ensure the government gets to spend our money instead of us.
- Late last month, Mrs. Pillich took the unprecented step of endorsing a tax increase outside of her ballot area!
Connie Pillich. Spreading high tax cheer. Making our paychecks disappear. Great job Connie!
- Earlier this year Mrs. Pillich supported a budget plan that raised fees on Ohioans by $1.5 billion. We are in agreement with our great Governor Ted Strickland, who stated, "I think higher fees are higher taxes." We concur, higher taxes and higher fees are one in the same, and we applaud Connie for voting with Strickland to raise our fees.
- These fee increases were needed when Mrs. Pillich voted to give $3.1 million to The Freedom Center. How else could such important programs have been funded in a tight budget year? We applaud Connie for recognizing an essential government subsidy when she sees it.
- Mrs. Pillich not only endorsed the Sycamore Schools Property Tax levy that we also endorsed, she went the extra step of placing a pro-tax sign in her yard.
- Last week Mrs. Pillich joined with Governor Ted Strickland, her fellow House Democrats, and great Republican leader Matt Dolan to raise Ohio's Income Tax by $900 million! This is a fantastic idea to ensure the government gets to spend our money instead of us.
- Late last month, Mrs. Pillich took the unprecented step of endorsing a tax increase outside of her ballot area!
Pillich did offer her support for the Winton Woods levy, and told board member John Pennycuff she would help in any way she could.We strongly applaud Connie for traveling to other people's school districts to tell them why they should support higher taxes! The voters of the Winton Woods School District have rejected this big property tax increase no less than 4 consecutive times. Now they are trying for the fifth time to pass a 7.9 mill levy. Mrs. Pillich does not live or work in the Winton Woods School District but wants to tell them how to vote anyways. Pillich not only supports higher taxes for her own area, she believes that higher taxes should be spread everywhere.
Connie Pillich. Spreading high tax cheer. Making our paychecks disappear. Great job Connie!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cheviot endorsements
Dear fellow tax hikers, after hours of research and some excellent tips from our supportive tax hikers in Cheviot, we are prepared to release our 2009 Cheviot endorsements. The big contested races are Ward Council seats and city Treasurer.
Cheviot has set a fine example for the rest of SW Ohio about the importance of raising taxes. Earlier this year the Cheviot Mayor and City Council unanimously backed a huge property tax increase, and with our endorsement it passed. Cheviot citizens will get to pay the higher taxes they deserve. With these taxes, Cheviot continues to inch closer and closer to their city leadership's long-term goal of becoming Cincinnati West. Our endorsements are as follows:
Republicans for Higher Taxes proudly endorses incumbents Deborah McKinney (R-Council President), Ryan Zech (R-1st Ward) and Jim Sunderhaus (D-3rd Ward) for re-election. When you needed higher taxes the most, these three answered the call. They voted to move that property tax hike forward, then they worked hard to campaign for it. These are our kind of tax hikers. We strongly encourage all of Cheviot's residents to reward them for raising taxes, and then ask them to raise those taxes some more.
We strongly support tax-hiker Michael Murray (D) for this key post. Murray joined with his fellow Democrats and tax-and-spend Republicans to support this big property tax increase, while his opponent Charlie Norman did not. We will not tolerate Norman's independence or his opposition to higher taxes.
Norman is an aide to Judge Pat DeWine, one of our most notable enemies. In addition to his work helping DeWine implement his limited government agenda, Norman refused to support Cheviot's big property tax hike and he strongly opposed the big Sales Tax increase that we enthusiastically supported. Charlie Norman is cut from the same cloth as Steve Chabot, Chris Monzel, and DeWine. We don't need any more of those fiscal conservatives in office, Norman must be stopped now. We issue a strong endorsement for Murray for Treasurer.
Cheviot has set a fine example for the rest of SW Ohio about the importance of raising taxes. Earlier this year the Cheviot Mayor and City Council unanimously backed a huge property tax increase, and with our endorsement it passed. Cheviot citizens will get to pay the higher taxes they deserve. With these taxes, Cheviot continues to inch closer and closer to their city leadership's long-term goal of becoming Cincinnati West. Our endorsements are as follows:
Republicans for Higher Taxes proudly endorses incumbents Deborah McKinney (R-Council President), Ryan Zech (R-1st Ward) and Jim Sunderhaus (D-3rd Ward) for re-election. When you needed higher taxes the most, these three answered the call. They voted to move that property tax hike forward, then they worked hard to campaign for it. These are our kind of tax hikers. We strongly encourage all of Cheviot's residents to reward them for raising taxes, and then ask them to raise those taxes some more.
We strongly support tax-hiker Michael Murray (D) for this key post. Murray joined with his fellow Democrats and tax-and-spend Republicans to support this big property tax increase, while his opponent Charlie Norman did not. We will not tolerate Norman's independence or his opposition to higher taxes.
Norman is an aide to Judge Pat DeWine, one of our most notable enemies. In addition to his work helping DeWine implement his limited government agenda, Norman refused to support Cheviot's big property tax hike and he strongly opposed the big Sales Tax increase that we enthusiastically supported. Charlie Norman is cut from the same cloth as Steve Chabot, Chris Monzel, and DeWine. We don't need any more of those fiscal conservatives in office, Norman must be stopped now. We issue a strong endorsement for Murray for Treasurer.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
2009 Election Housekeeping items
Dear fellow tax hikers, a few items for your review:
1. We at Republicans for Higher Taxes promise to update this blog regularly through Election Day. We realize we had a slow August and September but we would never abandon you when you need us most. Our coverage will be top notch for the rest of the election cycle.
2. We want to involve YOU in our 2009 election coverage. In this a year of local elections, we need more tips in order to expand our local coverage. Southwest Ohio has dozens and dozens of communities and we can't know what's going on in all of them. This is where you come in. We want all of you, our loyal readers, to direct us to the stories that matter most.
Does your local government have a great tax hiker like Cheviot Mayor Sam Keller? Let us know and give us the scoop on him/her, and we may be able to write a profile for them. Does your community have an important tax increase on the ballot in a few weeks? Email us the information so we can give it the endorsement it deserves! Remember fellow tax hikers: the city of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Public Schools are the only local governments that are broadly covered by the media. We need you to fill in the rest for us.
3. We are down to our final 2 candidates for our most prestigious Tax Hiker of the Year for 2009. Our Executive Committee will make a final decision in the next couple weeks and announce the winner shortly!
4. In the next few days, we will announce a brand new feature to our site. It absolutely rocks! We can't wait to show you this awesome feature.
1. We at Republicans for Higher Taxes promise to update this blog regularly through Election Day. We realize we had a slow August and September but we would never abandon you when you need us most. Our coverage will be top notch for the rest of the election cycle.
2. We want to involve YOU in our 2009 election coverage. In this a year of local elections, we need more tips in order to expand our local coverage. Southwest Ohio has dozens and dozens of communities and we can't know what's going on in all of them. This is where you come in. We want all of you, our loyal readers, to direct us to the stories that matter most.
Does your local government have a great tax hiker like Cheviot Mayor Sam Keller? Let us know and give us the scoop on him/her, and we may be able to write a profile for them. Does your community have an important tax increase on the ballot in a few weeks? Email us the information so we can give it the endorsement it deserves! Remember fellow tax hikers: the city of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Public Schools are the only local governments that are broadly covered by the media. We need you to fill in the rest for us.
3. We are down to our final 2 candidates for our most prestigious Tax Hiker of the Year for 2009. Our Executive Committee will make a final decision in the next couple weeks and announce the winner shortly!
4. In the next few days, we will announce a brand new feature to our site. It absolutely rocks! We can't wait to show you this awesome feature.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ghiz helps Democrat Berding and Charterite Bortz
Dear fellow tax hikers, by now all of you are aware of our deep infatuation with Cincinnati City Councilman Leslie Ghiz. Ghiz is a great embodiment of the values we espouse - higher taxes, more spending, voting for streetcars, and supporting great Democrats like David Pepper and Jeff Berding. We could not be more proud of her recent efforts to help Democrat Jeff Berding and Charterite Chris Bortz raise money for their campaigns. We are thankful of the invitation we got from Ghiz inviting us to the Tri-Partisan fundraiser thrown for her, Berding, and Bortz.
We are especially proud of her attack against our 2008 Enemy of the Treasury Chris Monzel. In her newsletter, Ghiz invited us to, "a Cocktail Reception to Meet the Three Most Qualified Members of City Council". Thank you Ghiz for telling the truth about that awful Monzel. Monzel opposed the Sales Tax hike, opposes city property tax hikes, stood against implementing a trash tax, voted against the great streetcar plan, voted against subsidizing The Freedom Center, and even voted against a $65,000 flyover to see the city's trees from above.
Some are criticizing Leslie Ghiz for helping non-Republicans during this campaign season, but why shouldn't she? Ghiz, Berding, and Bortz share so much in common:
- Each endorsed Democrat David Pepper for County Commissioner.
- Each endorsed Pepper's Sales Tax increase.
- Each voted to send $800,000 of taxpayer dollars to The Freedom Center.
- Each voted for the Streetcar plan that will save our city.
- Each opposes Issue 9, which could kill our great streetcar idea.
We agree with Ghiz that sometimes you have to support Democrats to get the higher taxes that our government deserves. We, afterall, had to endorse Barack Obama and Todd Portune to ensure we all keep paying more taxes. We strongly applaud Leslie Ghiz for slamming Chris Monzel and helping her Democrat friends get elected.
We are especially proud of her attack against our 2008 Enemy of the Treasury Chris Monzel. In her newsletter, Ghiz invited us to, "a Cocktail Reception to Meet the Three Most Qualified Members of City Council". Thank you Ghiz for telling the truth about that awful Monzel. Monzel opposed the Sales Tax hike, opposes city property tax hikes, stood against implementing a trash tax, voted against the great streetcar plan, voted against subsidizing The Freedom Center, and even voted against a $65,000 flyover to see the city's trees from above.
Some are criticizing Leslie Ghiz for helping non-Republicans during this campaign season, but why shouldn't she? Ghiz, Berding, and Bortz share so much in common:
- Each endorsed Democrat David Pepper for County Commissioner.
- Each endorsed Pepper's Sales Tax increase.
- Each voted to send $800,000 of taxpayer dollars to The Freedom Center.
- Each voted for the Streetcar plan that will save our city.
- Each opposes Issue 9, which could kill our great streetcar idea.
We agree with Ghiz that sometimes you have to support Democrats to get the higher taxes that our government deserves. We, afterall, had to endorse Barack Obama and Todd Portune to ensure we all keep paying more taxes. We strongly applaud Leslie Ghiz for slamming Chris Monzel and helping her Democrat friends get elected.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Virgil Lovitt and Bill Seitz endorse new tax hike
- by guest writers Bill Seitz and Virg Lovitt.
SO WHO WANTS TO RAISE SOME TAXES!!!!!! We, your 2007 and 2008 Tax Hikers of the Year, thank our great friends at Republicans for Higher Taxes for allowing us the opportunity to make this most important plea. It's time for another tax hike baby! We urgently need your support to pass the only brand new tax on this November ballot. Please vote for Issue 7 the Library Tax. We are proud to endorse this necessary new tax.
If the Library Tax doesn't pass, the library is going to have to make some big changes to balance their budget. There are approximately 30,000 out-of-county library users. If this tax doesn't pass those people might have to pay for their library card. We can't let that happen! We need everyone in Hamilton County to pay higher taxes so those from outside Hamilton County can use Hamilton County's libraries for FREE.
Currently the library allows unlimited free rental of DVD's and CD's. If the Library Tax fails they might have to charge $1 to rent Spiderman 3 or Kanye West's latest (lip-synched) hits! What would happen to Hamilton County if people didn't get commercial entertainment products for free. We need YOU to pay higher taxes so these products can remain FREE.
Ignore our enemies at COAST. They have put out a list of 8 suggestions for the library to improve their finances using existing resources. Every one of these should be ignored. There is no reason for the library to improve its operations. Why should they, when we can just raise taxes?
Tax Hike Seitz, 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year
Virgil "Virg" Lovitt, 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year
Friday, August 14, 2009
Senate Republicans diss our Michelle Schneider
Dear fellow tax hikers, please excuse our silence over the past few days since the terrible decision was made to deny the open Senate seat to our endorsed candidate Michelle Schneider. This abomination has made me and my civil domestic partner physically ill. We have been unable to attend work all week long, though don't worry about us because Our Messiah Barack Obama has promised to take care of us all.
Michelle Schneider deserved that appointment. When Bob Taft needed to raise the Sales Tax, it was Michelle who stood with him and voted yes. When Bob Taft needed Gas Taxes raised, it was Michelle who came through. When Bob Taft, Jean Schmidt, and Virgil Lovitt needed those hotel/motel taxes raised, it was Michelle who voted yes. When the Peppers needed millions of dollars to subsidize The Freedom Center, Michelle Schneider proudly took thousands of dollars from John Pepper and then voted to give him millions in taxpayer funds.
Every single time that Bob Taft and the tax-and-spend Republicans needed a tax increase, Michelle Schneider has been there for us. Now she has been let down and we are mad as hell! How are we Republicans going to get back to the good ole days of Bob Taft and Larry Householder if we refuse to promote their loyal lieutenants to open positions?
Shannon Jones may be sitting large now, but Michelle will sit larger once the voting is done. There will be a primary for this seat next year and we will give Michelle all the support and encouragement she needs to win it. We won't be denied. We're going to show that it's us tax-and-spend Republicans who run this party. We stand 100% behind our endorsement of Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
Michelle Schneider deserved that appointment. When Bob Taft needed to raise the Sales Tax, it was Michelle who stood with him and voted yes. When Bob Taft needed Gas Taxes raised, it was Michelle who came through. When Bob Taft, Jean Schmidt, and Virgil Lovitt needed those hotel/motel taxes raised, it was Michelle who voted yes. When the Peppers needed millions of dollars to subsidize The Freedom Center, Michelle Schneider proudly took thousands of dollars from John Pepper and then voted to give him millions in taxpayer funds.
Every single time that Bob Taft and the tax-and-spend Republicans needed a tax increase, Michelle Schneider has been there for us. Now she has been let down and we are mad as hell! How are we Republicans going to get back to the good ole days of Bob Taft and Larry Householder if we refuse to promote their loyal lieutenants to open positions?
Shannon Jones may be sitting large now, but Michelle will sit larger once the voting is done. There will be a primary for this seat next year and we will give Michelle all the support and encouragement she needs to win it. We won't be denied. We're going to show that it's us tax-and-spend Republicans who run this party. We stand 100% behind our endorsement of Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Support Cheviot's property tax increase
Dear fellow tax hikers, right now Cheviot serves as an exciting example of what happens when tax-and-spend Republicans and tax-and-spend Democrats work together to take more resources from the citizens so that the government can spend more. In just one week Cheviot's citizens will have the opportunity to vote themselves a big property tax increase. This 5.61 mill levy would cost the owner of a $100,000 home an additional $160 per year in higher taxes.
We at Republicans for Higher Taxes enthusiastically endorse this tax increase. Cheviot's government needs this money more than its residents do. Recently all of Cheviot's tax-and-spend elected officials joined together to beg for your vote. Who can argue with the detailed numbers and professional reasoning in that editorial? By raising taxes, Cheviot can take advantage of their unique positioning being near the city of Cincinnati and in the Cincinnati Public Schools system. This big tax increase brings Cheviot's tax structure more in line with Cincinnati, and soon enough they may even be able to provide that same effective government as Cincinnati.
The citizens should feel confident that Cheviot's government spends their tax dollars just as efficiently as the Cincinnati Public Schools. This is not the time for voters to be selfish. This is a wonderful chance for Cheviot's citizens to increase their tax burden so they can become more and more like the city of Cincinnati. We encourage the fine citizens of Cheviot to vote for this big property tax increase in August, then vote for the Cincinnati Public Schools big property tax increase in November. Tax us more!
We at Republicans for Higher Taxes enthusiastically endorse this tax increase. Cheviot's government needs this money more than its residents do. Recently all of Cheviot's tax-and-spend elected officials joined together to beg for your vote. Who can argue with the detailed numbers and professional reasoning in that editorial? By raising taxes, Cheviot can take advantage of their unique positioning being near the city of Cincinnati and in the Cincinnati Public Schools system. This big tax increase brings Cheviot's tax structure more in line with Cincinnati, and soon enough they may even be able to provide that same effective government as Cincinnati.
The citizens should feel confident that Cheviot's government spends their tax dollars just as efficiently as the Cincinnati Public Schools. This is not the time for voters to be selfish. This is a wonderful chance for Cheviot's citizens to increase their tax burden so they can become more and more like the city of Cincinnati. We encourage the fine citizens of Cheviot to vote for this big property tax increase in August, then vote for the Cincinnati Public Schools big property tax increase in November. Tax us more!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Anti-tax Democrat to challenge Schmidt
Dear fellow tax hikers, we now know that our great Congresswoman Jean Schmidt will likely face an anti-tax Democrat in the 2010 elections. State Representative Todd Book has announced that he will challenge our favorite Stan Chesley Republican.
Schmidt has proven herself to be one of the greatest tax-and-spend Republicans we have ever had. Schmidt voted for Bob Taft's Sales Tax hike. She voted to raise Ohio's Gas taxes by 27% when gas prices fell too low. She worked closely with Virgil Lovitt to pass legislation allowing Cincinnati and Hamilton County to more than double their hotel/motel taxes.
Most importantly, Schmidt stood with Barack Obama and George Bush to proudly support an $800 billion bailout for the rich folk on Wall Street. Schmidt understood that it's unfair for the upper class to be responsible for the downside of the big risks they take if they fail. This legislation was needed to save our economy, keep unemployment from growing, and prevent a recession. And boy, hasn't it worked great? We applaud Jean Schmidt, George Bush, and Barack Obama for the great economic leadership they have showed this country during tough times.
Todd Book does not have such a stellar record. In fact, when we tax hikers needed him most he voted against us. When Ohio was facing trouble, Governor Bob Taft demanded that the Legislature raise the Sales Tax from 5% to 6%. Jean Schmidt didn't have to be told twice. But Rep. Book voted no! He had the nerve to vote against raising our Sales Tax. This Sales Tax hike was the key component of the Taft/Schmidt agenda which has remade Ohio into a strong economic powerhouse.
Jean Schmidt has proven herself as a fantastic tax increaser and big spender. Todd Book has refused to support the tax increases and spending hikes that have made our economy what it is today. Because of this, we plan on supporting Schmidt once again and encourage everyone to oppose Book.
Schmidt has proven herself to be one of the greatest tax-and-spend Republicans we have ever had. Schmidt voted for Bob Taft's Sales Tax hike. She voted to raise Ohio's Gas taxes by 27% when gas prices fell too low. She worked closely with Virgil Lovitt to pass legislation allowing Cincinnati and Hamilton County to more than double their hotel/motel taxes.
Most importantly, Schmidt stood with Barack Obama and George Bush to proudly support an $800 billion bailout for the rich folk on Wall Street. Schmidt understood that it's unfair for the upper class to be responsible for the downside of the big risks they take if they fail. This legislation was needed to save our economy, keep unemployment from growing, and prevent a recession. And boy, hasn't it worked great? We applaud Jean Schmidt, George Bush, and Barack Obama for the great economic leadership they have showed this country during tough times.
Todd Book does not have such a stellar record. In fact, when we tax hikers needed him most he voted against us. When Ohio was facing trouble, Governor Bob Taft demanded that the Legislature raise the Sales Tax from 5% to 6%. Jean Schmidt didn't have to be told twice. But Rep. Book voted no! He had the nerve to vote against raising our Sales Tax. This Sales Tax hike was the key component of the Taft/Schmidt agenda which has remade Ohio into a strong economic powerhouse.
Jean Schmidt has proven herself as a fantastic tax increaser and big spender. Todd Book has refused to support the tax increases and spending hikes that have made our economy what it is today. Because of this, we plan on supporting Schmidt once again and encourage everyone to oppose Book.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hamilton County must raise property taxes
Hamilton County's fiscal crisis continues to worsen. Under the impressive leadership of County Commissioners David Pepper and Todd Portune, revenues have plunged and now some county bureaucrats are saying the county may have to reduce or eliminate the property tax rollback that was promised to voters when they passed the Stadium Sales Tax increase. Our enemies at COAST feel this is what our Commissioners will do. We at Republicans for Higher Taxes endorse the complete removal of this property tax rollback.
Who cares about some promise that was made in 1996? This is politics, and in politics promises are made to be broken. The government needs that money more than the citizens do. What do you think the government should do, cut spending? That is an entirely unrealistic expectation.
We condemn County Commissioner Greg Hartmann for coming out against this idea. As a Hamilton County Republican he should know better than to ever oppose raising taxes. We have been very disappointed in the fiscal conservatism he has shown as a Clerk of Court and now as a Commissioner. We did not elect him to cut costs, reduce programs, or lower taxes. He was put there to continue our party's dedication to higher taxes and more spending.
If Greg Hartmann will not do the right thing by breaking a promise and raising property taxes, then we encourage David Pepper and Todd Portune to do it themselves. Hamilton County badly needs this property tax increase so they can get back to spending money at an elevated rate.
Who cares about some promise that was made in 1996? This is politics, and in politics promises are made to be broken. The government needs that money more than the citizens do. What do you think the government should do, cut spending? That is an entirely unrealistic expectation.
We condemn County Commissioner Greg Hartmann for coming out against this idea. As a Hamilton County Republican he should know better than to ever oppose raising taxes. We have been very disappointed in the fiscal conservatism he has shown as a Clerk of Court and now as a Commissioner. We did not elect him to cut costs, reduce programs, or lower taxes. He was put there to continue our party's dedication to higher taxes and more spending.
If Greg Hartmann will not do the right thing by breaking a promise and raising property taxes, then we encourage David Pepper and Todd Portune to do it themselves. Hamilton County badly needs this property tax increase so they can get back to spending money at an elevated rate.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Michelle Schneider's Gasoline Tax increase
One of our favorite tax increases occurred a few years ago under our great Governor Bob Taft. During the early part of this decade, Bob Taft and Jean Schmidt felt gas prices were too low and they wanted to do something about it. That gave birth to Ohio's enormous 27% Gas Tax increase. We applaud Bob Taft, Michelle Schneider, and Jean Schmidt for supporting this necessary tax hike.
Because of our Michelle Schneider, Ohio's motorist get to pay more taxes to the government every single time they fill up their pumps. In fact, me and my civil domestic partner took a trip recently and we were overjoyed with pride when we filled our tank at an Ohio gas station. We are delighted to send more money to Ted Strickland each time we run low on the gas.
When you think of higher gas prices, think of Michelle Schneider.
We have proudly endorsed Michelle Schneider for the State Senate and have urged our fellow tax-and-spend Senate Republicans to appoint her now to the vacancy. Michelle was a valuable voice and a valuable vote to increase gasoline prices in the State House. We think she can raise them even more in the Senate. Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
Because of our Michelle Schneider, Ohio's motorist get to pay more taxes to the government every single time they fill up their pumps. In fact, me and my civil domestic partner took a trip recently and we were overjoyed with pride when we filled our tank at an Ohio gas station. We are delighted to send more money to Ted Strickland each time we run low on the gas.
When you think of higher gas prices, think of Michelle Schneider.
We have proudly endorsed Michelle Schneider for the State Senate and have urged our fellow tax-and-spend Senate Republicans to appoint her now to the vacancy. Michelle was a valuable voice and a valuable vote to increase gasoline prices in the State House. We think she can raise them even more in the Senate. Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Michelle Schneider's Sales Tax increase
Dear fellow tax hikers, the last time we posted we promised to start analyzing Michelle Schneider's excellent record in the State House as she attempts to be selected to the State Senate vacancy. Today we will start with Governor Bob Taft's landmark tax increase that Michelle proudly supported.
When Governor Taft demanded that the State Legislature raise its Sales Tax by 20%, he knew he could count on our Michelle Schneider to vote yes. With this money, the state was able to give millions in taxpayer subsidies to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, as well as numerous other earmarks and pet projects around the state. This huge tax increase allowed Ohio to grow it's budget by over 10%. The alternate was unthinkable - the state budget would barely grow and they would have to limit their spending.
Michelle Schneider held firm and proudly voted for Bob Taft's big Sales Tax increase. With this vote Michelle solidified her credentials as a tax-and-spend Republican and tax-hiking leader. When Republicans are faced with the choice of raising taxes and spending or living within their means, our party must always go with the tax hikes. We are the tax and spend party. When we raise taxes, we have more money to bribe the voters to support us. We are proud to support Michelle Schneider as she continues to advocate for the Bob Taft policies that have served our state so well.
When Governor Taft demanded that the State Legislature raise its Sales Tax by 20%, he knew he could count on our Michelle Schneider to vote yes. With this money, the state was able to give millions in taxpayer subsidies to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, as well as numerous other earmarks and pet projects around the state. This huge tax increase allowed Ohio to grow it's budget by over 10%. The alternate was unthinkable - the state budget would barely grow and they would have to limit their spending.
Michelle Schneider held firm and proudly voted for Bob Taft's big Sales Tax increase. With this vote Michelle solidified her credentials as a tax-and-spend Republican and tax-hiking leader. When Republicans are faced with the choice of raising taxes and spending or living within their means, our party must always go with the tax hikes. We are the tax and spend party. When we raise taxes, we have more money to bribe the voters to support us. We are proud to support Michelle Schneider as she continues to advocate for the Bob Taft policies that have served our state so well.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Info coming about Michelle Schneider's tax record
Fellow tax hikers, please stayed tuned to our site. In the next few weeks, we will be conducting an in-depth review of Michelle Schneider's tax-and-spend record. From what we've found so far, we think you're going to love it.
We have previously endorsed Schneider for the State Senate. And last week we renewed our call for the Ohio Senate's tax-and-spend Republican Caucus to select Schneider to the vacant seat.
Soon we will start looking at Michelle's excellent record, piece by piece. Until then, we ask you, our loyal readers, for your thoughts. What are your thoughts on Michelle? Do you have special information to share about her? Contact us, we want to hear from you.
We have previously endorsed Schneider for the State Senate. And last week we renewed our call for the Ohio Senate's tax-and-spend Republican Caucus to select Schneider to the vacant seat.
Soon we will start looking at Michelle's excellent record, piece by piece. Until then, we ask you, our loyal readers, for your thoughts. What are your thoughts on Michelle? Do you have special information to share about her? Contact us, we want to hear from you.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Select Schneider to the State Senate
Dear fellow tax hikers, one of our own needs our help. There is now a vacancy for the 7th Senate seat for Ohio and we fully intend on getting it filled with a qualified tax-and-spend Republican. Our movement could not have possibly found a better candidate than former State Representative Michelle Schneider, who we have previously endorsed for this race.
By selecting Michelle Schneider, the Ohio Republican Party/Senate Caucus would send a strong message that we are still the tax-and-spend party. Since the departure of our great former Governor Bob Taft our party has been debating the direction we will take in the future. Republicans can help settle this issue with the selection of another Bob Taft Republican to fill the vacancy. And we have no doubt that Michelle would fully fill the seat.
This is where we need your help. We need our fellow tax hikers to contact the Ohio Republican Party, GOP Senate Caucus, and Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou to send them 1 clear message - they must select tax hiker Michelle Schneider for this seat. Michelle is one of the best tax hikers and biggest spenders that we have. She supported Bob Taft's tax-and-spend agenda for 8 years in the State House, now let's send her to the Senate where she can raise taxes even higher. Michelle Schneider for State Senate!
By selecting Michelle Schneider, the Ohio Republican Party/Senate Caucus would send a strong message that we are still the tax-and-spend party. Since the departure of our great former Governor Bob Taft our party has been debating the direction we will take in the future. Republicans can help settle this issue with the selection of another Bob Taft Republican to fill the vacancy. And we have no doubt that Michelle would fully fill the seat.
This is where we need your help. We need our fellow tax hikers to contact the Ohio Republican Party, GOP Senate Caucus, and Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou to send them 1 clear message - they must select tax hiker Michelle Schneider for this seat. Michelle is one of the best tax hikers and biggest spenders that we have. She supported Bob Taft's tax-and-spend agenda for 8 years in the State House, now let's send her to the Senate where she can raise taxes even higher. Michelle Schneider for State Senate!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monzel to oppose tax hikes
Dear fellow tax hikers, Chris Monzel must be stopped. With tax-and-spend Democrats and tax-and-spend Republicans working hard to raise taxes in Cincinnati, Chris Monzel has had the nerve to sign a pledge opposing all new tax increases! What's worse, this pledge is being sponsored by our enemies at COAST. We support higher taxes, COAST opposes them.
We need higher taxes in Cincinnati. The income tax is only 2.1% and the Cincinnati Public Schools haven't raised property taxes enough. We are heartened to hear that tax-and-spend liberal Greg Harris wants Council to look at bringing back the Trash Tax. This would be a sensible way to take more money from the residents of Cincinnati.
Monzel's treachery has gone too far. This is the latest in a long list of efforts of his to oppose higher taxes. Each year Monzel introduces a motion to freeze property taxes. We should be paying higher property taxes every year! In 2007 he broke ranks and opposed the Leis/Pepper/Portune Sales Tax Hike. Last year he opposed Red Light cameras in spite of our endorsement, and recently he opposed the Administration's effort to impose a Trash Tax.
Monzel's efforts to oppose higher taxes earned him our 2008 Enemy of the Treasury award. Monzel has consistently opposed efforts to raise taxes on Cincinnati residents and homeowners. For that he must be stopped.
We need higher taxes in Cincinnati. The income tax is only 2.1% and the Cincinnati Public Schools haven't raised property taxes enough. We are heartened to hear that tax-and-spend liberal Greg Harris wants Council to look at bringing back the Trash Tax. This would be a sensible way to take more money from the residents of Cincinnati.
Monzel's treachery has gone too far. This is the latest in a long list of efforts of his to oppose higher taxes. Each year Monzel introduces a motion to freeze property taxes. We should be paying higher property taxes every year! In 2007 he broke ranks and opposed the Leis/Pepper/Portune Sales Tax Hike. Last year he opposed Red Light cameras in spite of our endorsement, and recently he opposed the Administration's effort to impose a Trash Tax.
Monzel's efforts to oppose higher taxes earned him our 2008 Enemy of the Treasury award. Monzel has consistently opposed efforts to raise taxes on Cincinnati residents and homeowners. For that he must be stopped.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sheriff Leis gets his fishing boat
Hamilton County is safe once again. After a dark, dreary two weeks where Hamilton County citizens were deeply concerned about being invaded by Kentucky or a foreign country via the Ohio River, Sheriff Leis has saved us from this potential disaster. Thanks to the Sheriff's power of persuasion, David Pepper and Todd Portune voted to allow Leis to get his $99,000 fishing boat. If there is anything that will deter a foreign invasion against our county, the site of Simon Leis on a fishing boat is it.
We applaud Sheriff Leis and Commissioners Pepper and Portune for this wise use of taxpayer dollars. If there is anything Hamilton County needs, it's another boat. We trust Pepper, Portune, and Leis when they say a fishing boat is the best possible use of this money for Hamilton County.
We condemn County Commissioner Greg Hartmann for voting against this addition to the Simon Leis Navy. If we didn't get this fishing boat Leis would only have 4 boats to patrol the Ohio River and that would be a disaster! We are putting Hartmann on warning. He is not to question Leis again. When Leis says he wants something, he should get it no questions asked.
We applaud Sheriff Leis and Commissioners Pepper and Portune for this wise use of taxpayer dollars. If there is anything Hamilton County needs, it's another boat. We trust Pepper, Portune, and Leis when they say a fishing boat is the best possible use of this money for Hamilton County.
We condemn County Commissioner Greg Hartmann for voting against this addition to the Simon Leis Navy. If we didn't get this fishing boat Leis would only have 4 boats to patrol the Ohio River and that would be a disaster! We are putting Hartmann on warning. He is not to question Leis again. When Leis says he wants something, he should get it no questions asked.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Stan Chesley to host Jean Schmidt fundraiser
Dear fellow tax hikers, His Highness Stan Chesley is hosting a special fundraising brunch for our fantastic tax-and-spend Congresswoman Jean Schmidt. We need all of you to show up at Stan Chesley's residence, 9005 Camargo Road, with your checkbook. (note - servants must use the back entrance).
Now some are questioning this alliance, but we are not. Stan Chesley is a tax-and-spend liberal. Jean Schmidt is a tax-and-spend Republican who supported all of Bob Taft's tax increases. Both Schmidt and Chesley strongly backed the George Bush/Barack Obama Bailout for Billionaires. They both know that the government can spend your money better than you. And they share a special bond in that they never, ever allow ethics to get in the way of getting what they want.
While we are very fortunate to have The Great Stan Chesley hosting this event, the list of co-hosts is equally impressive. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. Clermont County Prosecutor Don White. Convicted Felon Dick Weiland. Hamilton County Republican Party (of higher taxes) Chairman Alex Triantafilou. Bob Taft supporter Michelle Schneider. And shall we never forget our 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt.
This brunch fundraiser will include two special events for its guests. First, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters and Clermont County Prosecutor Don White will host a seminar to teach wealthy white women how to deep-fry their babies and get away with it. If you're wealthy and white and need to know how to murder your kid without consequence, Deters and White will guide you step-by-step.
And finally, each attendee will get to eat brunch one-on-one with Michelle Schneider. Don't worry, she'll be able to pace herself as the number of meals adds up. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to hear from one of Bob Taft's favorite tax increasers as she attempts to move up to the State Senate.
We call on all tax-hikers throughout Southwest Ohio to join us for this special event. Stan Chesley and Jean Schmidt share so much in common, now let's share brunch together and with them. Tax us more!
Now some are questioning this alliance, but we are not. Stan Chesley is a tax-and-spend liberal. Jean Schmidt is a tax-and-spend Republican who supported all of Bob Taft's tax increases. Both Schmidt and Chesley strongly backed the George Bush/Barack Obama Bailout for Billionaires. They both know that the government can spend your money better than you. And they share a special bond in that they never, ever allow ethics to get in the way of getting what they want.
While we are very fortunate to have The Great Stan Chesley hosting this event, the list of co-hosts is equally impressive. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. Clermont County Prosecutor Don White. Convicted Felon Dick Weiland. Hamilton County Republican Party (of higher taxes) Chairman Alex Triantafilou. Bob Taft supporter Michelle Schneider. And shall we never forget our 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt.
This brunch fundraiser will include two special events for its guests. First, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters and Clermont County Prosecutor Don White will host a seminar to teach wealthy white women how to deep-fry their babies and get away with it. If you're wealthy and white and need to know how to murder your kid without consequence, Deters and White will guide you step-by-step.
And finally, each attendee will get to eat brunch one-on-one with Michelle Schneider. Don't worry, she'll be able to pace herself as the number of meals adds up. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to hear from one of Bob Taft's favorite tax increasers as she attempts to move up to the State Senate.
We call on all tax-hikers throughout Southwest Ohio to join us for this special event. Stan Chesley and Jean Schmidt share so much in common, now let's share brunch together and with them. Tax us more!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Support a brand new Library Tax
Fellow tax hikers, one of the biggest travesties in Hamilton County is that we don't pay a Library Tax. But now we can end this abomination! Our local library system is going to place a nice big tax levy on the ballot. We could not be more excited.
If this passes we get to pay yet another tax and see our taxes rise again. You can not keep a good tax down. We cannot begin to tell you how vital it is to start a new Library Tax.
If this tax fails, Hamilton County might not continue to rent CD's free of charge. Nobody (except Hamilton County property owners) should have to pay money to listen to Fitty Cent and Kanye West. And what about all the Hollywood movies that library patrons can currently rent for free? If this levy fails, they might have to pay $1 for those movies at Netflix and that would be awful!
Hamilton County citizens have a right to enjoy free movies and free music CD's. Except the ones who own property. We do not expect the library to charge $1 for this valuable service. We expect you to pay for instead through higher taxes. Republicans for Higher Taxes is proud to endorse the new Library Tax, and before you know it we're going to roll out endorsements from our tax-and-spend Republican friends.
If this passes we get to pay yet another tax and see our taxes rise again. You can not keep a good tax down. We cannot begin to tell you how vital it is to start a new Library Tax.
If this tax fails, Hamilton County might not continue to rent CD's free of charge. Nobody (except Hamilton County property owners) should have to pay money to listen to Fitty Cent and Kanye West. And what about all the Hollywood movies that library patrons can currently rent for free? If this levy fails, they might have to pay $1 for those movies at Netflix and that would be awful!
Hamilton County citizens have a right to enjoy free movies and free music CD's. Except the ones who own property. We do not expect the library to charge $1 for this valuable service. We expect you to pay for instead through higher taxes. Republicans for Higher Taxes is proud to endorse the new Library Tax, and before you know it we're going to roll out endorsements from our tax-and-spend Republican friends.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Interest groups rally for tax hikes at State House
Fellow tax hikers, it warms our hearts to see our brothers and sisters rally for higher taxes! According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer's politics blog, special interest groups organized a tax rally on the Statehouse lawn to tell our state government to raise taxes! We are very encouraged by this development. This shows that our movement's work to bring higher taxes and more spending to Ohio is paying off.
Ohio could be facing a budget shortfall. That might force us to cut spending, and we know we can't accept that. We must raise taxes to ensure we can continue to grow the government. Ted Strickland and his tax-and-spend friends need this money more than you do.
Six years ago Ohio faced a similar situation. We were fortune then to have the great Bob Taft as our Governor and a like-minded tax-and-spend Republican legislature who understood that raising taxes and raising spending were the best solutions to every problem. They had the courage to raise taxes. As a result of this brave act Ohio's economy is better than ever and our jobless rate is only 10%.
Bob Taft was the greatest Governor our state has ever had, and his excellence has given way to a tremendous group of tax-and-spend Republicans behind him. We will never be fortunate enough to have Taft as our Governor again, but his pro-tax spirit lives on with great Republicans such as Jean Schmidt, 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt, Jon Husted, Michelle Schneider, and 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year Bill Seitz.
We join our comrades and renew our call for Ohio's leaders to do the right thing and raise taxes. These tax increases could be just as great for Ohio as Bob Taft's tax hikes were. Don't let us down.
Ohio could be facing a budget shortfall. That might force us to cut spending, and we know we can't accept that. We must raise taxes to ensure we can continue to grow the government. Ted Strickland and his tax-and-spend friends need this money more than you do.
Six years ago Ohio faced a similar situation. We were fortune then to have the great Bob Taft as our Governor and a like-minded tax-and-spend Republican legislature who understood that raising taxes and raising spending were the best solutions to every problem. They had the courage to raise taxes. As a result of this brave act Ohio's economy is better than ever and our jobless rate is only 10%.
Bob Taft was the greatest Governor our state has ever had, and his excellence has given way to a tremendous group of tax-and-spend Republicans behind him. We will never be fortunate enough to have Taft as our Governor again, but his pro-tax spirit lives on with great Republicans such as Jean Schmidt, 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt, Jon Husted, Michelle Schneider, and 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year Bill Seitz.
We join our comrades and renew our call for Ohio's leaders to do the right thing and raise taxes. These tax increases could be just as great for Ohio as Bob Taft's tax hikes were. Don't let us down.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sheriff Leis needs a new boat
Fellow tax hikers, we must come together quickly to help our great Sheriff Simon Leis complete the purchase of a badly needed boat. Currently, Leis is only able to utilize 3 boats to patrol the dangerous criminals living on the Ohio River. The problems could get even worse.
What would happen if a foreign country launched a naval attack against Hamilton County? That's right, we'd call on the Sheriff to protect us. What if Kentucky attacked? Simon Leis needs that boat to deter the Kentucky National Guard from trying to take over Hamilton County. By giving him another boat, we give him the tools to repel a foreign invader such as Kentucky.
During tough budget times like these it's vitally important to acquire all of the toys we can. Simon Leis needs that boat. Hamilton County needs that boat. For our safety, we need that boat. We applaud Simon Leis for his vision and for taking the necessary steps to keep Hamilton County safe from foreign invaders.
What would happen if a foreign country launched a naval attack against Hamilton County? That's right, we'd call on the Sheriff to protect us. What if Kentucky attacked? Simon Leis needs that boat to deter the Kentucky National Guard from trying to take over Hamilton County. By giving him another boat, we give him the tools to repel a foreign invader such as Kentucky.
During tough budget times like these it's vitally important to acquire all of the toys we can. Simon Leis needs that boat. Hamilton County needs that boat. For our safety, we need that boat. We applaud Simon Leis for his vision and for taking the necessary steps to keep Hamilton County safe from foreign invaders.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Forest Hills Schools make cuts
With great sadness we have read that the Forest Hills Schools have been forced to cut $12 million over the next four years from their budget because of May's failed levy. This includes cutting back personnel. We reprimand the voters of this school district for refusing to obey their School Board's demands. When a School Board wants more money, you should give it to them, no questions asked.
We call on Forest Hills to try to raise taxes again this November! We were proud to endorse the last attempt, but we should have done more. This time we will put our mighty weight behind this issue and work overtime to make sure Forest Hills residents pay higher taxes.
We also encourage tax-and-spend Republican Randy Smith to take over the campaign and put his tax-hiking skills to good use. There are few finer tax-hikers in Hamilton County than our friend Randy Smith. He is one of the best tax-and-spend Republicans we have and he's only going to get better.
These cuts will be horrible. Teachers will only have one period off instead of two! Can you believe that? And even worse, teachers will have to man the cafeteria and recess instead of take a break in the lounge. Those are horrific working conditions!
These are the consequences of refusing to support big tax increases. Because you voters refused to tighten your belt, the government has to tighten their own belt. We expect the residents of this school district to see the error of their ways and vote for a big tax increase this November.
We call on Forest Hills to try to raise taxes again this November! We were proud to endorse the last attempt, but we should have done more. This time we will put our mighty weight behind this issue and work overtime to make sure Forest Hills residents pay higher taxes.
We also encourage tax-and-spend Republican Randy Smith to take over the campaign and put his tax-hiking skills to good use. There are few finer tax-hikers in Hamilton County than our friend Randy Smith. He is one of the best tax-and-spend Republicans we have and he's only going to get better.
These cuts will be horrible. Teachers will only have one period off instead of two! Can you believe that? And even worse, teachers will have to man the cafeteria and recess instead of take a break in the lounge. Those are horrific working conditions!
These are the consequences of refusing to support big tax increases. Because you voters refused to tighten your belt, the government has to tighten their own belt. We expect the residents of this school district to see the error of their ways and vote for a big tax increase this November.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Leis defends David Pepper's Sales Tax hike
If there are only two things we know about Hamilton County Commissioner David Pepper it is this:
1) He loves raising taxes.
2) When he is attacked, an old man will come to his defense.
Usually it is his father, the multi-millionaire John Pepper, who comes running to his defense. But this time it's our dearly beloved Sheriff Simon Leis. It is appalling to see our local Republican Party criticizing Pepper for implementing a big Sales Tax hike without a vote of the citizens, and Leis is correct to defend him.
We are disgusted that party Chairman Alex Triantafilou approved a press release criticizing Pepper for this excellent tax increase. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of higher taxes. The citizens of Hamilton County didn't deserve to keep that money for themselves, the government needed it more.
This tax issue reveals a huge divide between the two candidates in this race. State Auditor Mary Taylor had her chance to raise Ohio's Sales Tax as she was ordered to do by Governor Bob Taft, but she voted no. David Pepper didn't have to be told twice. When Simon Leis and Todd Portune told him to raise the Sales Tax, Pepper happily voted yes. We are strongly considering an endorsement of Pepper because he is the only candidate in this race who agrees with Bob Taft that raising the Sales Tax is great public policy.
1) He loves raising taxes.
2) When he is attacked, an old man will come to his defense.
Usually it is his father, the multi-millionaire John Pepper, who comes running to his defense. But this time it's our dearly beloved Sheriff Simon Leis. It is appalling to see our local Republican Party criticizing Pepper for implementing a big Sales Tax hike without a vote of the citizens, and Leis is correct to defend him.
We are disgusted that party Chairman Alex Triantafilou approved a press release criticizing Pepper for this excellent tax increase. The Republican Party is supposed to be the party of higher taxes. The citizens of Hamilton County didn't deserve to keep that money for themselves, the government needed it more.
This tax issue reveals a huge divide between the two candidates in this race. State Auditor Mary Taylor had her chance to raise Ohio's Sales Tax as she was ordered to do by Governor Bob Taft, but she voted no. David Pepper didn't have to be told twice. When Simon Leis and Todd Portune told him to raise the Sales Tax, Pepper happily voted yes. We are strongly considering an endorsement of Pepper because he is the only candidate in this race who agrees with Bob Taft that raising the Sales Tax is great public policy.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
David Pepper to run for Auditor
Dear fellow tax hikers, we are very excited by the news that Hamilton County Commissioner David Pepper will be running for State Auditor against incumbent Mary Taylor. David A. Pepper has been a strong supporter of higher taxes for Hamilton County residents. When our county's voters rejected a 1/4 Sales Tax hike at the polls, Pepper responded by directly imposing a 1/2 cent Sales Tax increase and not allowing the residents to vote on it! That's our kind of tax hiker.
Mary Taylor had her chance to raise taxes and voted no. Taylor voted against Bob Taft's Sales Tax hike, refusing to carry water for his tax-and-spend agenda. This cannot be tolerated. Both David Pepper and Bob Taft understand that higher taxes make Ohio and Hamilton County prosper. Taft's Sales Tax hike was the catalyst that turned Ohio's economy around and spared us from the economic slump that plagues the rest of the nation.
Furthermore, David Pepper is not a CPA and has no financial training for this position. We think that is a good thing. In Pepper, we would have a State Auditor with no background in Auditing, which we think is great because it ensures that the staff will be able to function without supervisory oversight.
Mary Taylor is a CPA. She has the knowledge to know exactly what her staff is doing. We don't find this kind of hands-on knowledge to be desirable in our officeholders. Pepper's occupation as a lawyer makes him exactly the right choice to be Ohio's Auditor.
Mary Taylor is a CPA and opposed Bob Taft's tax increases. David Pepper is a lawyer who imposed a big Sales Tax hike of his own. We will consider these facts when we choose to make our endorsement in this race. For now, we are putting Mary Taylor on notice that she must embrace the Bob Taft/David Pepper agenda of higher taxes and hands-off supervision if she is to get our support.
Mary Taylor had her chance to raise taxes and voted no. Taylor voted against Bob Taft's Sales Tax hike, refusing to carry water for his tax-and-spend agenda. This cannot be tolerated. Both David Pepper and Bob Taft understand that higher taxes make Ohio and Hamilton County prosper. Taft's Sales Tax hike was the catalyst that turned Ohio's economy around and spared us from the economic slump that plagues the rest of the nation.
Furthermore, David Pepper is not a CPA and has no financial training for this position. We think that is a good thing. In Pepper, we would have a State Auditor with no background in Auditing, which we think is great because it ensures that the staff will be able to function without supervisory oversight.
Mary Taylor is a CPA. She has the knowledge to know exactly what her staff is doing. We don't find this kind of hands-on knowledge to be desirable in our officeholders. Pepper's occupation as a lawyer makes him exactly the right choice to be Ohio's Auditor.
Mary Taylor is a CPA and opposed Bob Taft's tax increases. David Pepper is a lawyer who imposed a big Sales Tax hike of his own. We will consider these facts when we choose to make our endorsement in this race. For now, we are putting Mary Taylor on notice that she must embrace the Bob Taft/David Pepper agenda of higher taxes and hands-off supervision if she is to get our support.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Jean Staubach, proud tax-hiking champion
We salute Sycamore School Board member Jean Staubach for her long-standing commitment to higher taxes and huge spending. She is a veteran member of a school board that knows the importance of big-time spending. Staubach is working hard to pass the big permanent property tax hike on this Tuesday's ballot and warns of the catastrophic results if it doesn't pass. In a January 7th Enquirer article our Jean stated:
And indeed it would. If this levy failed and no other passed in its place, Sycamore's spending would drop from being in the top 5% of Ohio's school districts to the top 10%. Sycamore would only be able to outspend 90% of Ohio's school districts. That would be a huge catastrophe. Jean Staubach and her friends on the board, such as Diane "High Tax" Adamec, know that their meager management skills leave them incapable of delivering strong results with such little money.
Sycamore residents shouldn't demand excellent school board members. What they should do instead is open up their wallets and give the School Board everything it wants. Sycamore must be one of the biggest spending school districts in Ohio to succeed. Top 10% just isn't enough.
Jean Staubach shares the same first name as her political idol Jean Schmidt, and she knows that with that carries the responsibility to always be raising taxes and spending. We are proud of Jean's work. We need you to pass her tax increase, and then make sure she stays on the school board for life. Tax us more!
"We need to understand how critical the passage of this levy is,” board member Jean Staubach said.
"This levy, on a certain date, will quit paying $8.8 million, so overnight, we would lose 12 percent of our budget....Pulling 12 percent out overnight would be catastrophic to the district."
And indeed it would. If this levy failed and no other passed in its place, Sycamore's spending would drop from being in the top 5% of Ohio's school districts to the top 10%. Sycamore would only be able to outspend 90% of Ohio's school districts. That would be a huge catastrophe. Jean Staubach and her friends on the board, such as Diane "High Tax" Adamec, know that their meager management skills leave them incapable of delivering strong results with such little money.
Sycamore residents shouldn't demand excellent school board members. What they should do instead is open up their wallets and give the School Board everything it wants. Sycamore must be one of the biggest spending school districts in Ohio to succeed. Top 10% just isn't enough.
Jean Staubach shares the same first name as her political idol Jean Schmidt, and she knows that with that carries the responsibility to always be raising taxes and spending. We are proud of Jean's work. We need you to pass her tax increase, and then make sure she stays on the school board for life. Tax us more!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Support the massive Forest Hills Property Tax Hike
Fellow tax hikers, those of you who live in the Forest Hills School District have a great opportunity to vote yourselves a massive tax increase in just 5 days! We could not be more excited for you. We love higher taxes. And we love big spending. Therefore we give our strongest possible endorsement for the massive 6.9 mil Forest Hills property tax increase.
Should this huge tax increase pass, the owner of a $200,000 home would pay an extra $410, in addition to what they currently pay. We think this is a great time to ask for a big new tax hike. When other local governments are cutting back and families are tightening their belts, that is the perfect time to be different by raising taxes and embarking on a brand new spending binge.
Currently Forest Hills spends a little more per student than the state average. But they are nowhere near the big-spending meccas of the Indian Hill and Sycamore school districts. Forest Hills must spend more! They need to keep raising taxes until they are battling Sycamore and Indian Hill for biggest spenders in SW Ohio.
We applaud Forest Hills School Board member Randy Smith, a great tax-and-spend Republican, for the great leadership he's shown in deliverng higher taxes to his constituents. We wish we had more tax-hikers like Jean Schmidt and Randy Smith. On his campaign site he bragged about passing one levy, and now he's poised to pass a huge property tax increase on top of this one. This is the kind of tax-and-spend leadership we at Republicans for Higher Taxes believe in.
Please follow Randy's great leadership by voting to raise your taxes. You need to tighten your belt so the school district doesn't have to tighten theirs. With the passage of this levy, you get to pay higher taxes so the School Board can achieve higher spending. Also it's for the kids, and if you vote against this levy it means you hate the kids.
Should this huge tax increase pass, the owner of a $200,000 home would pay an extra $410, in addition to what they currently pay. We think this is a great time to ask for a big new tax hike. When other local governments are cutting back and families are tightening their belts, that is the perfect time to be different by raising taxes and embarking on a brand new spending binge.
Currently Forest Hills spends a little more per student than the state average. But they are nowhere near the big-spending meccas of the Indian Hill and Sycamore school districts. Forest Hills must spend more! They need to keep raising taxes until they are battling Sycamore and Indian Hill for biggest spenders in SW Ohio.
We applaud Forest Hills School Board member Randy Smith, a great tax-and-spend Republican, for the great leadership he's shown in deliverng higher taxes to his constituents. We wish we had more tax-hikers like Jean Schmidt and Randy Smith. On his campaign site he bragged about passing one levy, and now he's poised to pass a huge property tax increase on top of this one. This is the kind of tax-and-spend leadership we at Republicans for Higher Taxes believe in.
Please follow Randy's great leadership by voting to raise your taxes. You need to tighten your belt so the school district doesn't have to tighten theirs. With the passage of this levy, you get to pay higher taxes so the School Board can achieve higher spending. Also it's for the kids, and if you vote against this levy it means you hate the kids.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Vote for Sycamore Schools Property Tax Hike
We were inspired by the recent editorial by Tax-and-Spend Republican Diane Adamec in the Community Press begging the residents of the Sycamore School District to give her more of your money to spend. If next week's permanent property tax hike passes, residents will forever have a 5.5 mill levy added to their bills. This tax hike will cost the owner of a $200,000 home $268 more dollars! We at Republicans for Higher Taxes enthusiastically endorse this permanent property tax hike.
As great as High Tax Adamec's editorial was, we think she was much too modest. Sycamore is one of the most prolific spending school districts in Ohio. Sycamore schools spend over $13,100 per student per year, the 2nd highest in Southwest Ohio and places it well into the Top 5% in Ohio. Sycamore should not stop raising taxes and raising spending until they are #1! Under High Tax Adamec's impressive leadership, this could happen sooner than you think.
With the economy slumping and taxpayers struggling to pay their bills, this is the perfect time for the Sycamore School district to raise taxes and raise spending. If this school levy fails, Sycamore would have to come back to the ballot later this year with a temporary instead of permanent tax increase, and ask for less money. This would be tragic. Sycamore schools should not be forced to adjust their big spending ways. It is the residents who should learn to live with less.
We are haunted by an even worse possibility - what if Sycamore schools can't pass any levies this year? Then they would only be able to spend around $11,500 per student per year. This would reduce their spending level from the top 5% in Ohio to only the top 10% in Ohio. That would be unbelievably tragic! How can these tax-and-spend Republicans run a school district if they only had more money to spend than 90% of the school districts in Ohio? We don't know how they could survive with that little money.
All of us Southwest Ohio tax hikers must unite behind this tax increase being promoted by our Tax-and-Spend Superhero Diane Adamec. We must do everything we can to make sure Sycamore Schools become the #1 spending school district in Ohio. It would be a terrible catastrophe if Sycamore's spending level dropped a little bit and they could only outspend 90% of Ohio's school districts. This School Board wouldn't know what to do if that happened. You residents of Sycamore need to tighten your belt so the big-spending Sycamore School Board doesn't have to tighten theirs.
As great as High Tax Adamec's editorial was, we think she was much too modest. Sycamore is one of the most prolific spending school districts in Ohio. Sycamore schools spend over $13,100 per student per year, the 2nd highest in Southwest Ohio and places it well into the Top 5% in Ohio. Sycamore should not stop raising taxes and raising spending until they are #1! Under High Tax Adamec's impressive leadership, this could happen sooner than you think.
With the economy slumping and taxpayers struggling to pay their bills, this is the perfect time for the Sycamore School district to raise taxes and raise spending. If this school levy fails, Sycamore would have to come back to the ballot later this year with a temporary instead of permanent tax increase, and ask for less money. This would be tragic. Sycamore schools should not be forced to adjust their big spending ways. It is the residents who should learn to live with less.
We are haunted by an even worse possibility - what if Sycamore schools can't pass any levies this year? Then they would only be able to spend around $11,500 per student per year. This would reduce their spending level from the top 5% in Ohio to only the top 10% in Ohio. That would be unbelievably tragic! How can these tax-and-spend Republicans run a school district if they only had more money to spend than 90% of the school districts in Ohio? We don't know how they could survive with that little money.
All of us Southwest Ohio tax hikers must unite behind this tax increase being promoted by our Tax-and-Spend Superhero Diane Adamec. We must do everything we can to make sure Sycamore Schools become the #1 spending school district in Ohio. It would be a terrible catastrophe if Sycamore's spending level dropped a little bit and they could only outspend 90% of Ohio's school districts. This School Board wouldn't know what to do if that happened. You residents of Sycamore need to tighten your belt so the big-spending Sycamore School Board doesn't have to tighten theirs.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tax Rallies Saturday
Everyone, tomorrow will be the biggest day in Tax Hiker history. Four tax rallies throughout Hamilton County. We need you there. All of you. We must have a greater turnout than those anti-tax tea parties that drew a peak of 5000 people. Governor Bob Taft and the rest of us will see everyone tomorrow.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Pepper flag-burning ceremony added to tax rallies

Many of our critics like to send us emails accusing us of opposing freedom. That is not true. We support allowing you to spend whatever money you have left after the government takes everything it needs. See, we're not Socialists! There are other freedoms we support too.
Like Commissioner David Pepper, we support burning the American flag. It is a patriotic freedom to express. We applaud David Pepper for his support on this important freedom issue.
David Pepper has asked us if we would allow him to open one of our huge, huge, huge tax rallies this Saturday with one of his special flag-burning ceremonies. Naturally we will allow him to do this. Pepper is a tremendous supporter of higher taxes and burning the American flag. We have decided to add Commissioner Pepper to the Bengal Stadium rally, where his #1 supporters Leslie Ghiz and Bob Bedinghaus will already be speaking.
Like Commissioner David Pepper, we support burning the American flag. It is a patriotic freedom to express. We applaud David Pepper for his support on this important freedom issue.
David Pepper has asked us if we would allow him to open one of our huge, huge, huge tax rallies this Saturday with one of his special flag-burning ceremonies. Naturally we will allow him to do this. Pepper is a tremendous supporter of higher taxes and burning the American flag. We have decided to add Commissioner Pepper to the Bengal Stadium rally, where his #1 supporters Leslie Ghiz and Bob Bedinghaus will already be speaking.
Bring all the American flags you'd like to have Pepper burn. Please make sure they are highly flammable. If you bring your flame-retardant American flags, how can David Pepper burn them?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Leslie Ghiz Interactive Fundraising Invitation
You may remember last month when we, Republicans for Higher Taxes, introduced a new idea to the political process, the Interactive Fundraising Invitation. We were proud to roll out our very first interactive fundraising invitation for Michelle Schneider, which she has credited for helping her raise over $10,000 additional for her race.
Recently, we were contacted by Leslie Ghiz campaign workers Jen Winkelman and Jamie Schwartz to create one of these special invitations for her big fundraiser this Friday at the Montgomery Inn located in Montgomery, hosted by the Volunteers of America. We proudly roll our Leslie Ghiz Interactive Fundraising Invitation:
David Pepper - "Leslie's endorsement of my candidacy against Phil Heimlich was a huge boost to my campaign. She is one of the reasons we Democrats control the County Commission today. She and I have worked well together over the years to defend the Volunteers of America and help them bring sex offenders to Hamilton County."
Scott Gehring - "Working for Leslie was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. It was almost as great as my current job for the Volunteers of America, where I am in charge of importing convicted felony sex offenders to Cincinnati. Leslie was instrumental in getting me this valuable job where I can bring so much to our community."
Jeff Berding - "I work very hard to do for the city what I've done for my employer the Cincinnati Bengals. As a Democrat on City Council, I was very pleased to have Leslie attend my fundraiser last month. We Democrats have to stick together."
Chris Bortz - "I'm very pleased to see Leslie support Charterites such as myself. She has also been a strong supporter of my work to spend taxpayers to bring the Streetcar to Cincinnati. I'm proud to reciprocate support."
Tim Burke - "Leslie's support for David Pepper and Jeff Berding makes her one of our most valuable supporters. Her re-election to Council will be a big benefit to my white Democrats."
Alex Triantafilou - "Even though Leslie Ghiz does nothing to support other Republicans, she's my friend and goes to my church so I guess I'll support her."
Ken Lawson - "If I wasn't in jail and deeply in debt, I'd happily donate to Mrs. Ghiz-Aziz."
Virgil Lovitt - "Like me, Leslie supports Democrats for County Commissioner. We Republicans who support Democrats have to stick together."
John Pepper - "I applaud Leslie Ghiz for spending $800,000 of taxpayer funds for The Freedom Center so I don't have to write the check myself. And I'm not a dirty old man just because she flirts with me."
Mommy Pepper - "I donate huge amounts of money each year to pro-abortionists of both parties. It's time to send this year's donation to Leslie."
Stonewall Cincinnati - "Leslie has been a big supporter of gay rights. Although we dumped Smitherman after we got what we wanted from him, Leslie is white and supports us, so we'll support her."
Jean Schmidt - "Leslie and I are both huge supporters of higher taxes and more spending. Us tax-and-spend gals have to stick together."
Governor Bob Taft - "I am so proud to lend my good name to Leslie Ghiz. She believes in the same things I believe. I hope she continues to do for Cincinnati all the great things that I did for Ohio."
Recently, we were contacted by Leslie Ghiz campaign workers Jen Winkelman and Jamie Schwartz to create one of these special invitations for her big fundraiser this Friday at the Montgomery Inn located in Montgomery, hosted by the Volunteers of America. We proudly roll our Leslie Ghiz Interactive Fundraising Invitation:
David Pepper - "Leslie's endorsement of my candidacy against Phil Heimlich was a huge boost to my campaign. She is one of the reasons we Democrats control the County Commission today. She and I have worked well together over the years to defend the Volunteers of America and help them bring sex offenders to Hamilton County."
Scott Gehring - "Working for Leslie was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. It was almost as great as my current job for the Volunteers of America, where I am in charge of importing convicted felony sex offenders to Cincinnati. Leslie was instrumental in getting me this valuable job where I can bring so much to our community."
Jeff Berding - "I work very hard to do for the city what I've done for my employer the Cincinnati Bengals. As a Democrat on City Council, I was very pleased to have Leslie attend my fundraiser last month. We Democrats have to stick together."
Chris Bortz - "I'm very pleased to see Leslie support Charterites such as myself. She has also been a strong supporter of my work to spend taxpayers to bring the Streetcar to Cincinnati. I'm proud to reciprocate support."
Tim Burke - "Leslie's support for David Pepper and Jeff Berding makes her one of our most valuable supporters. Her re-election to Council will be a big benefit to my white Democrats."
Alex Triantafilou - "Even though Leslie Ghiz does nothing to support other Republicans, she's my friend and goes to my church so I guess I'll support her."
Ken Lawson - "If I wasn't in jail and deeply in debt, I'd happily donate to Mrs. Ghiz-Aziz."
Virgil Lovitt - "Like me, Leslie supports Democrats for County Commissioner. We Republicans who support Democrats have to stick together."
John Pepper - "I applaud Leslie Ghiz for spending $800,000 of taxpayer funds for The Freedom Center so I don't have to write the check myself. And I'm not a dirty old man just because she flirts with me."
Mommy Pepper - "I donate huge amounts of money each year to pro-abortionists of both parties. It's time to send this year's donation to Leslie."
Stonewall Cincinnati - "Leslie has been a big supporter of gay rights. Although we dumped Smitherman after we got what we wanted from him, Leslie is white and supports us, so we'll support her."
Jean Schmidt - "Leslie and I are both huge supporters of higher taxes and more spending. Us tax-and-spend gals have to stick together."
Governor Bob Taft - "I am so proud to lend my good name to Leslie Ghiz. She believes in the same things I believe. I hope she continues to do for Cincinnati all the great things that I did for Ohio."
Friday, April 17, 2009
April 25th Tax Rallies finalized
Dear fellow tax hikers, we have finalized the locations and speakers for our huge, huge, huge tax rallies to be held on April 25th across Hamilton County. We hope to see all of you there. We must counter those insidious anti-tax tea parties that have swept the nation.
Each event will be headlined by former Governor Bob Taft, who is returning from exile to lead the Republican Party back to our glory days of higher taxes, higher spending, and sweetheart deals for big donors like Tom Noe. Governor Taft will be riding his Tax Hike Express to get around to each rally.
Each event venue represents the kind of massive government spending that we advocate for on a daily basis. Every community in Ohio needs these kind of big-spending monuments. (Note: we wanted to have an event at the Sharonville Convention Center, but there was a very important knife show being held that day that couldn't be rescheduled.) We need YOU at one or all of these special rallies:
Paul Brown Stadium, 11:00 AM (Northwest side outside the stadium)
- celebrating the stadium tax, getting the Streetcar passed
1. Bob Bedinghaus - stadium tax architect, Jeff Berding's mentor
2. Jeff Berding - running Cincinnati like he runs the Bengals
3. Leslie Ghiz - why taxpayer funds must be used to build The Streetcar
4. Governor Bob Taft
Wyoming Family Aquatic Center, 1:oo PM (located in Woodlawn)
- because every community should spend $3.4 million in taxpayer funds for a luxury pool
1. Tax Hike Bill Seitz, 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year
2. Virgil Lovitt, 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year
3. Todd Portune - dicussing his admiration for tax-and-spend Republicans
4. Jim O'Reilly, Wyoming City Councilman - why luxury pools are vitally important for local governments
5. Governor Bob Taft
Anderson Township Government Center, 3:00 PM
- we must pass the massive Forest Hills property tax hike
1. Randy Smith, Forest Hills School Board member - why our community's future depends on passing my huge property tax increase this May
2. Jean Schmidt - the importance of higher Sales Taxes, higher property taxes, higher hotel taxes, higher gas taxes, and bailouts for billionaires on Wall Street
3. Michelle Schneider - my support for ongoing subsidies to The Freedom Center and free government cheese for everyone
4. Governor Bob Taft
Blue Ash Recreation Center, 5:00 (east side of building)
- Sycamore Schools won't stop spending until they outspend everyone
1. Each member of the Sycamore School Board - the "catastrophe" that would result if this May's property tax hike failed and Sycamore only had enough money to outspend 90% of the school districts in Ohio
2. Rick Bryan, Blue Ash City Councilman - raising taxes every time I can
3. Sheriff Simon Leis - damnit my jail tax should have passed...those sonsofbitches anti-taxers won't give me what I want...damn ingrates
4. Governor Bob Taft
Each event will be headlined by former Governor Bob Taft, who is returning from exile to lead the Republican Party back to our glory days of higher taxes, higher spending, and sweetheart deals for big donors like Tom Noe. Governor Taft will be riding his Tax Hike Express to get around to each rally.
Each event venue represents the kind of massive government spending that we advocate for on a daily basis. Every community in Ohio needs these kind of big-spending monuments. (Note: we wanted to have an event at the Sharonville Convention Center, but there was a very important knife show being held that day that couldn't be rescheduled.) We need YOU at one or all of these special rallies:
Paul Brown Stadium, 11:00 AM (Northwest side outside the stadium)
- celebrating the stadium tax, getting the Streetcar passed
1. Bob Bedinghaus - stadium tax architect, Jeff Berding's mentor
2. Jeff Berding - running Cincinnati like he runs the Bengals
3. Leslie Ghiz - why taxpayer funds must be used to build The Streetcar
4. Governor Bob Taft
Wyoming Family Aquatic Center, 1:oo PM (located in Woodlawn)
- because every community should spend $3.4 million in taxpayer funds for a luxury pool
1. Tax Hike Bill Seitz, 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year
2. Virgil Lovitt, 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year
3. Todd Portune - dicussing his admiration for tax-and-spend Republicans
4. Jim O'Reilly, Wyoming City Councilman - why luxury pools are vitally important for local governments
5. Governor Bob Taft
Anderson Township Government Center, 3:00 PM
- we must pass the massive Forest Hills property tax hike
1. Randy Smith, Forest Hills School Board member - why our community's future depends on passing my huge property tax increase this May
2. Jean Schmidt - the importance of higher Sales Taxes, higher property taxes, higher hotel taxes, higher gas taxes, and bailouts for billionaires on Wall Street
3. Michelle Schneider - my support for ongoing subsidies to The Freedom Center and free government cheese for everyone
4. Governor Bob Taft
Blue Ash Recreation Center, 5:00 (east side of building)
- Sycamore Schools won't stop spending until they outspend everyone
1. Each member of the Sycamore School Board - the "catastrophe" that would result if this May's property tax hike failed and Sycamore only had enough money to outspend 90% of the school districts in Ohio
2. Rick Bryan, Blue Ash City Councilman - raising taxes every time I can
3. Sheriff Simon Leis - damnit my jail tax should have passed...those sonsofbitches anti-taxers won't give me what I want...damn ingrates
4. Governor Bob Taft
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Massive Tax Rally - April 25th
We are very disturbed by the success of these Tea Party protests. It is horrendous to see 4000 citizens from this area gathered during a workday - when they should be earning money for our government - to protest the Jean Schmidt/Barack Obama policies of higher taxes, bailouts for billionairres, and runaway spending. We think these policies are great. We were very happy to pay our taxes this year and wish we were forced to pay more.
We will not let these anti-taxers go unchallenged. We're going to hold a massive set of pro-tax rallies on Saturday, April 25th throughout Hamilton County! These rallies will focus on passing tax levies on the May primary ballot. We have already confirmed the participation of Bob Bedinghaus, Jean Schmidt, Michelle Schneider, Virgil Lovitt, Rick Bryan, and the return of Governor Bob Taft from his self-imposed exile. We will announce many more. We're going to show Southwest Ohio that we tax-hikers are ready to meet the challenge and give ourselves the higher taxes we deserve.
We will announce the details of these tax rallies in the coming days. Stay tuned, and mark your calendars for this important day. We're going to raise taxes through the roof!
We will not let these anti-taxers go unchallenged. We're going to hold a massive set of pro-tax rallies on Saturday, April 25th throughout Hamilton County! These rallies will focus on passing tax levies on the May primary ballot. We have already confirmed the participation of Bob Bedinghaus, Jean Schmidt, Michelle Schneider, Virgil Lovitt, Rick Bryan, and the return of Governor Bob Taft from his self-imposed exile. We will announce many more. We're going to show Southwest Ohio that we tax-hikers are ready to meet the challenge and give ourselves the higher taxes we deserve.
We will announce the details of these tax rallies in the coming days. Stay tuned, and mark your calendars for this important day. We're going to raise taxes through the roof!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Special Tax Day coming
Dear Fellow Tax Hikers, it is great to be back! After paying our taxes this year, my civil domestic partner and I decided to celebrate by going on one of Rosie's family cruises for a couple weeks. It has been a joyous few weeks for us. Last year this was a stressful time for us, as we unexpectedly received a refund that we didn't want and didn't deserve. We were not happy about it. This year, however, my civil domestic partner and I were delighted to learn that we owed the government more money and gladly wrote the check.
Tomorrow is a very special day for us. April 15th is the greatest day of the year. It is the day where the government gets to collect everything it is owed. We remind all of you to send your taxes in on time. Every dollar you send in, Jean Schmidt and Barack Obama have already spent twice.
We wanted to make sure we were here to celebrate this special day with all of our loyal readers. We are back, and we will be posting regularly between now and the May primary election. There is so much work to do. We will work hard to pass the tax hikes on the ballot this May to ensure that every community is able to experience the joy of higher taxes. If you have a tax increase on your ballot this May and need help getting it passed, please let Republicans for Higher Taxes know about it. We will do everything we can to help raise those taxes.
Check back with us throughout the week. We have several stories we will be writing soon. We noticed in our absence several different comments about City Council selection in Blue Ash and the Sycamore Schools property tax hike. We've also had a request to look into the Forest Hills schools property tax hike. We will get to the bottom of all these issues and report back shortly.
Until your taxes - Wall Street executives are depending on you!
Tomorrow is a very special day for us. April 15th is the greatest day of the year. It is the day where the government gets to collect everything it is owed. We remind all of you to send your taxes in on time. Every dollar you send in, Jean Schmidt and Barack Obama have already spent twice.
We wanted to make sure we were here to celebrate this special day with all of our loyal readers. We are back, and we will be posting regularly between now and the May primary election. There is so much work to do. We will work hard to pass the tax hikes on the ballot this May to ensure that every community is able to experience the joy of higher taxes. If you have a tax increase on your ballot this May and need help getting it passed, please let Republicans for Higher Taxes know about it. We will do everything we can to help raise those taxes.
Check back with us throughout the week. We have several stories we will be writing soon. We noticed in our absence several different comments about City Council selection in Blue Ash and the Sycamore Schools property tax hike. We've also had a request to look into the Forest Hills schools property tax hike. We will get to the bottom of all these issues and report back shortly.
Until your taxes - Wall Street executives are depending on you!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Governor in Exile
Greetings Comrades,
You may have noticed that it has been a while since I last posted. It may have seemed curious, expecially with so much work to do in support of big government. Rest assured though, I have been working hard to promote higher taxes and spending the entire time.
The truth is that I had to leave the State and go into exile. The Tea Party event a few weeks back combined with the wildly successful COAST event scared the daylights out of the moderate Republican movement. My closest supporters whisked me away to secure bunker deep within a non-descript building in an undisclosed location far from any threats of conservatism.
Fear not though comrades, for I am not deserting you. I simply need to stay alive in order to maintain my political viability. Our movement needs experienced tax hike leaders. The horrifying movement among young Republicans towards the right side of the political spectrum means that the next generation of moderates may be smaller than usual. Luckily, there are plenty of old guard, establishment, tax and spend Republicans that are ready to carry the torch. People like Michelle Schneider, Bill Seitz, Jim Sumner, Virgil Lovitt, Rick Bryan, Jean Schmidt, Bob Bennett, Mary Anne Christie, and of course yours truly are willing and able.
Soon enough, our allies in the media will succeed in their efforts to mischaracterize these Tea Party rebels and COAST renegades as nothing more than hateful, racist, homophobic radicals. It is your duty to help them succeed in this mischaracterization. Only through crushing the tax rebellion in its infancy will it once again be safe for me to return and resume my rightful place at the helm of the Republican tax and spend movement.
Go forth, and spread the moderat Republican message! Resist all efforts by our adversaries to come together around a limited government message! Work with our allies in the media to spread misinformation about our enemies! I cannot return to Ohio until you have succeeded. Please hurry.
Yours in taxes,
Governor Bob Taft
You may have noticed that it has been a while since I last posted. It may have seemed curious, expecially with so much work to do in support of big government. Rest assured though, I have been working hard to promote higher taxes and spending the entire time.
The truth is that I had to leave the State and go into exile. The Tea Party event a few weeks back combined with the wildly successful COAST event scared the daylights out of the moderate Republican movement. My closest supporters whisked me away to secure bunker deep within a non-descript building in an undisclosed location far from any threats of conservatism.
Fear not though comrades, for I am not deserting you. I simply need to stay alive in order to maintain my political viability. Our movement needs experienced tax hike leaders. The horrifying movement among young Republicans towards the right side of the political spectrum means that the next generation of moderates may be smaller than usual. Luckily, there are plenty of old guard, establishment, tax and spend Republicans that are ready to carry the torch. People like Michelle Schneider, Bill Seitz, Jim Sumner, Virgil Lovitt, Rick Bryan, Jean Schmidt, Bob Bennett, Mary Anne Christie, and of course yours truly are willing and able.
Soon enough, our allies in the media will succeed in their efforts to mischaracterize these Tea Party rebels and COAST renegades as nothing more than hateful, racist, homophobic radicals. It is your duty to help them succeed in this mischaracterization. Only through crushing the tax rebellion in its infancy will it once again be safe for me to return and resume my rightful place at the helm of the Republican tax and spend movement.
Go forth, and spread the moderat Republican message! Resist all efforts by our adversaries to come together around a limited government message! Work with our allies in the media to spread misinformation about our enemies! I cannot return to Ohio until you have succeeded. Please hurry.
Yours in taxes,
Governor Bob Taft
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Shannon Jones to run against our Michelle Schneider?
Recently we have come out with a strong endorsement of Michelle Schneider for State Senate. In spite of this, State Representative Shannon Jones has indicated she plans to run for the seat too. We would encourage her to think otherwise.
We think Shannon Jones has the potential to become a solid tax-and-spend Republican. However, Michelle Schneider has already proven her tax-and-spend skills with distinction. Her votes for Bob Taft's tax increases, Simon Leis' Sales Tax hike, and more taxpayer funding for The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center give her the cred that Jones has yet to earn.
We expect Shannon to obey. As a former roomate of Michelle's, she should sit back and learn from her, not run against her.
We stand behind our support for Michelle Schneider. She looms large in this race, in every possible way. Shannon and everyone else had best understand this.
We think Shannon Jones has the potential to become a solid tax-and-spend Republican. However, Michelle Schneider has already proven her tax-and-spend skills with distinction. Her votes for Bob Taft's tax increases, Simon Leis' Sales Tax hike, and more taxpayer funding for The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center give her the cred that Jones has yet to earn.
We expect Shannon to obey. As a former roomate of Michelle's, she should sit back and learn from her, not run against her.
We stand behind our support for Michelle Schneider. She looms large in this race, in every possible way. Shannon and everyone else had best understand this.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Gehring, VOA, fought greater social service regulations
While our enemy Chris Monzel has been fighting for years to close the Volunteers of America sex offender facility, Scott Gehring and the VOA has been fighting to expand their reach and eliminate regulations on themselves.
We are glad that the VOA has been able to fight stricter regulations against their great work. Scott Gehring is doing a fine job with this noble institution. It is vital to our area that we continue to import sex offenders and other criminals to Cincinnati. We are fortunate to have a quality worker like Gehring fighting for the VOA, and using his connections to David Pepper, Leslie Ghiz, and Jeff Berding to make sure VOA is protected by government.
We need to send a message to Chris Monzel to leave the VOA sex offenders alone. We need them here in SW Ohio.
Gehring is absolutely correct. Just because Gehring and the VOA imports registered felony sex offenders from all over the state doesn't mean they're the cause of the additional crime they bring to the area. There are always "other factors" that we should blame first. The lack of additional tax dollars is one such reason.Scott Gehring of Volunteers of America testified that the changes would dismantle Cincinnati's social-services network. Agency officials are concerned about neighborhood crime, too, he said, but "the social-service agencies are not the source" of crime.
We are glad that the VOA has been able to fight stricter regulations against their great work. Scott Gehring is doing a fine job with this noble institution. It is vital to our area that we continue to import sex offenders and other criminals to Cincinnati. We are fortunate to have a quality worker like Gehring fighting for the VOA, and using his connections to David Pepper, Leslie Ghiz, and Jeff Berding to make sure VOA is protected by government.
We need to send a message to Chris Monzel to leave the VOA sex offenders alone. We need them here in SW Ohio.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Special pic from Michelle Schneider fundraiser

Thank you all for everything you did to make Michelle Schneider's fundraiser a great one. We are very proud of the dozens of people who showed up. Enjoy our special picture of the living legend Mary Anne Christie and our next State Senator Michelle Schneider. We will have more info to report from this event in the coming days.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Save Volunteers of America
Until the past few days, County Commissioner David Pepper and his close ally Cincinnati Councilman Leslie Ghiz have done a great job advocating for the Volunteers of America. The VOA performs a valuable service by importing sex offenders and tax dollars to Cincinnati, both contributing to the diversity of our area and expanding our tax coffers. We urge Pepper and Ghiz to not give in to temptation to demand the removal of this excellent sex offender facility over one murder. We want them to remember the greater good they do for our area and continue to support their work.
We are disgusted by the efforts of notoriously anti-tax Chris Monzel to close this valuable VOA facility. He is overreacting to one individual crime. If this facility closes, not only would sex offenders from outside this area have nowhere else to go, but more importantly our region would lose all of the tax dollars that come here because of their presence. We must not let anything get in the way of those tax dollars. If necessary, we would even support a county-wide property tax increase to expand this facility and improve their operations.
Former Leslie Ghiz aide Scott Gehring is now one of the VOA Executives, and we are extremely proud of the great work he has done for them. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for their success. You may remember that last year we profiled Gehring. We stand behind our assertion that he is a future political star. His star now shines brighter than ever because of his admirable work with the VOA.
We applaud Scott Gehring for everything he's done to make the VOA a Cincinnati icon. We applaud Leslie Ghiz for standing behind them and sending her aide to work there. We applaud David Pepper, whose aide Jen Winkelman is married to Gehring, for supporting their work. We just want to remind Pepper and Ghiz to remember all the great things VOA does for Cincinnati, especially the tax dollars they bring us. Let's all stand together by rejecting Chris Monzel's efforts to shut down VOA's sex offender facility and continue the Pepper/Ghiz policy of supporting their work.
We are disgusted by the efforts of notoriously anti-tax Chris Monzel to close this valuable VOA facility. He is overreacting to one individual crime. If this facility closes, not only would sex offenders from outside this area have nowhere else to go, but more importantly our region would lose all of the tax dollars that come here because of their presence. We must not let anything get in the way of those tax dollars. If necessary, we would even support a county-wide property tax increase to expand this facility and improve their operations.
Former Leslie Ghiz aide Scott Gehring is now one of the VOA Executives, and we are extremely proud of the great work he has done for them. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for their success. You may remember that last year we profiled Gehring. We stand behind our assertion that he is a future political star. His star now shines brighter than ever because of his admirable work with the VOA.
We applaud Scott Gehring for everything he's done to make the VOA a Cincinnati icon. We applaud Leslie Ghiz for standing behind them and sending her aide to work there. We applaud David Pepper, whose aide Jen Winkelman is married to Gehring, for supporting their work. We just want to remind Pepper and Ghiz to remember all the great things VOA does for Cincinnati, especially the tax dollars they bring us. Let's all stand together by rejecting Chris Monzel's efforts to shut down VOA's sex offender facility and continue the Pepper/Ghiz policy of supporting their work.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Michelle Schneider's Interactive Fundraising Invitation
Today we roll out the Michelle Schneider Interactive Fundraising Invitation. Read for yourselves why the Sponsors for her fundraiser/tax rally love her as much as we do:
Bill Seitz - "SO WHO WANTS TO RAISE SOME TAXES!!!!! When we served in the State House, Michelle and I stood together to pass all of Bob Taft's tax increases. You can see what our Taft tax hikes have done to grow Ohio's vibrant economy. She deserves to be rewarded for her excellent judgement just like I was."
Jean Schmidt - "I proudly voted for George Bush's $800 Billion Bailout for Billionaires. We know now it was a miserable failure, but only because we didn't spend enough. Michelle understands, just like Barack Obama and I do, that we can spend our way out of any problem."
Alex Triantafilou - "During tough times like these, it's important to have an accomplished, experienced Republican tax-hiker representing us in Columbus. We need her tax-and-spend leadership in the State Senate."
Stan Aronoff - "Michelle shares my dedication to a bigger government that serves lobbyists first. Her support for spending millions upon millions in taxpayer funds for The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center demonstrates that she'll always put the interest of lobbyists above the interests of taxpayers."
Virgil Lovitt - "Without Michelle's guidance, I might not have won my prestigious 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Award. I have been proud to follow Michelle's tax-hiking example, and it has always served me well. I especially appreciate Michelle's support for more than doubling the Hotel/Motel tax in Hamilton County, which has allowed us to generate more tax revenues from the numerous prostitutes in Sharonville."
Joe Deters - "My boss Stan Chesley told me to endorse her."
Rachel Hutzel - "As evidenced by my endorsement of Betty Montgomery for Governor and Jean Schmidt for Congress, it is my policy to endorse all female candidates in Republican primaries, whether they are qualified or not. Furthermore, there better not be any inappropriate uses of food at this fundraiser. I will prosecute any and all Food Fighting Felons to the fullest exent of the law."
George Vincent - "Michelle Schneider was one of my loyal partners in my successful effort to turn our county party into the Hamilton County Republican Party of Higher Taxes. I know she will fight tirelessly for higher taxes for Ohio just like she did for Hamilton County."
Mary Anne Christie - "Michelle is the latest in a long line of pro-abortion or pro-tax women who I have backed for higher office. I firmly believe Michelle has what it takes to become Governor some day. She will be an even greater Governor than that young man Bobby Taft was, just you see.
George Terwilleger - "I was a pro-choice State Representative. Michelle Schneider will be a great State Senator."
Dick Weiland - "I'm honored that Michelle Schneider chooses to accept my public support and my money, in spite of the 4 months I served in federal prison for my felony conviction. Michelle understands that we convicted felons should always have a seat at the table of government."
John Pepper - "While I am not listed as a Sponsor, Michelle Schneider and I have enjoyed a productive relationship. I have donated thousands of dollars to her campaigns, and she has voted to give millions in taxpayer funds to The Freedom Center. Michelle takes good care of her rich donors."
Bill Seitz - "SO WHO WANTS TO RAISE SOME TAXES!!!!! When we served in the State House, Michelle and I stood together to pass all of Bob Taft's tax increases. You can see what our Taft tax hikes have done to grow Ohio's vibrant economy. She deserves to be rewarded for her excellent judgement just like I was."
Jean Schmidt - "I proudly voted for George Bush's $800 Billion Bailout for Billionaires. We know now it was a miserable failure, but only because we didn't spend enough. Michelle understands, just like Barack Obama and I do, that we can spend our way out of any problem."
Alex Triantafilou - "During tough times like these, it's important to have an accomplished, experienced Republican tax-hiker representing us in Columbus. We need her tax-and-spend leadership in the State Senate."
Stan Aronoff - "Michelle shares my dedication to a bigger government that serves lobbyists first. Her support for spending millions upon millions in taxpayer funds for The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center demonstrates that she'll always put the interest of lobbyists above the interests of taxpayers."
Virgil Lovitt - "Without Michelle's guidance, I might not have won my prestigious 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Award. I have been proud to follow Michelle's tax-hiking example, and it has always served me well. I especially appreciate Michelle's support for more than doubling the Hotel/Motel tax in Hamilton County, which has allowed us to generate more tax revenues from the numerous prostitutes in Sharonville."
Joe Deters - "My boss Stan Chesley told me to endorse her."
Rachel Hutzel - "As evidenced by my endorsement of Betty Montgomery for Governor and Jean Schmidt for Congress, it is my policy to endorse all female candidates in Republican primaries, whether they are qualified or not. Furthermore, there better not be any inappropriate uses of food at this fundraiser. I will prosecute any and all Food Fighting Felons to the fullest exent of the law."
George Vincent - "Michelle Schneider was one of my loyal partners in my successful effort to turn our county party into the Hamilton County Republican Party of Higher Taxes. I know she will fight tirelessly for higher taxes for Ohio just like she did for Hamilton County."
Mary Anne Christie - "Michelle is the latest in a long line of pro-abortion or pro-tax women who I have backed for higher office. I firmly believe Michelle has what it takes to become Governor some day. She will be an even greater Governor than that young man Bobby Taft was, just you see.
George Terwilleger - "I was a pro-choice State Representative. Michelle Schneider will be a great State Senator."
Dick Weiland - "I'm honored that Michelle Schneider chooses to accept my public support and my money, in spite of the 4 months I served in federal prison for my felony conviction. Michelle understands that we convicted felons should always have a seat at the table of government."
John Pepper - "While I am not listed as a Sponsor, Michelle Schneider and I have enjoyed a productive relationship. I have donated thousands of dollars to her campaigns, and she has voted to give millions in taxpayer funds to The Freedom Center. Michelle takes good care of her rich donors."
Interactive Fundraising Invitations
We are bringing a brand new idea to the political process - the interactive fundraising invitation. Don't you get tired of seeing the same old invitations? You can't tell one apart from the other. They all list the important names to interest you, give the basic information on the event, and of course ask you for your money. We at Republicans for Higher Taxes have decided to create something new, an interactive fundraising invitation. The interactive fundraising invitation will continue to exist in written form, but that's only the start.
From this day forward, we take these invitations interactive. We will gather quotes from the sponsors or hosts of these fundraisers and print them on the internet for everyone to read. Rather than just reading their name, you will have the opportunity to learn why these people are choosing to put their money behind their candidate. We think our pro-tax movement will benefit greatly from this new technique.
Shortly, we will roll out our first ever interactive fundraising invitation, to benefit our endorsed candidate for State Senate, Michelle Schneider.
From this day forward, we take these invitations interactive. We will gather quotes from the sponsors or hosts of these fundraisers and print them on the internet for everyone to read. Rather than just reading their name, you will have the opportunity to learn why these people are choosing to put their money behind their candidate. We think our pro-tax movement will benefit greatly from this new technique.
Shortly, we will roll out our first ever interactive fundraising invitation, to benefit our endorsed candidate for State Senate, Michelle Schneider.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Michelle Schneider Fundraiser
Dear fellow tax hikers, we have great news to share! We, the leadership of Republicans for Higher Taxes, have been working very hard this past month on a huge fundraiser and tax rally that we are co-hosting for our good friend Michelle Schneider. We have endorsed Mrs. Schneider in her bid for the State Senate. But we have done more. Much more. We are working to make sure she has all the money she needs to win.
We invite you to the Michelle Schneider fundraiser/tax rally on March 6th at the Kenwood Country Club. Drinks start at 5:00. It is vital we produce a large crowd. Since COAST drew over 200 people to their fundraiser, we must draw more. What would people think if COAST got more people to their fundraiser than an endorsed tax-and-spend Republican could get to theirs? That would make us look bad.
We have attracted an impressive list of tax-hiking Republicans to sponsor this event:
- Congresswoman Jean Schmidt
- Bill Seitz - 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year
- Mary Anne Christie
- Virgil Lovitt - 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year
- Dick Finan
- Stan Aronoff
- Dick Weiland - Lobbyist/Convicted Felon (Tom Noe's unavailable)
- George Vincent
- Alex Triantafilou
Now we need you, and your money too. In the State House Michelle has been a proud supporter of Bob Taft's tax increases, Simon Leis' tax hike, and more taxpayer funding for The Freedom Center. We need her tax-and-spend vote in the State Senate. Come join us on March 6th.
We invite you to the Michelle Schneider fundraiser/tax rally on March 6th at the Kenwood Country Club. Drinks start at 5:00. It is vital we produce a large crowd. Since COAST drew over 200 people to their fundraiser, we must draw more. What would people think if COAST got more people to their fundraiser than an endorsed tax-and-spend Republican could get to theirs? That would make us look bad.
We have attracted an impressive list of tax-hiking Republicans to sponsor this event:
- Congresswoman Jean Schmidt
- Bill Seitz - 2007 Tax Hiker of the Year
- Mary Anne Christie
- Virgil Lovitt - 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year
- Dick Finan
- Stan Aronoff
- Dick Weiland - Lobbyist/Convicted Felon (Tom Noe's unavailable)
- George Vincent
- Alex Triantafilou
Now we need you, and your money too. In the State House Michelle has been a proud supporter of Bob Taft's tax increases, Simon Leis' tax hike, and more taxpayer funding for The Freedom Center. We need her tax-and-spend vote in the State Senate. Come join us on March 6th.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Michelle Schneider for State Senate
Fellow tax hikers,
We are delighted to announce our latest endorsement, one which will bring back some desperately needed momentum to our side after COAST shocked the world with it's packed fundraiser featuring John Kasich and Mary Taylor. With no lengthy debate needed, Republicans for Higher Taxes is proud to endorse Michelle Schneider for State Senate. Schneider has compiled an astounding record of supporting higher taxes and more spending, and brings to the table as impressive of a pro-tax record as Bob Taft, Jean Schmidt, and Tax Hikers of the Year Bill Seitz and Virgil Lovitt.
We want everyone to review the Schneider record for themselves:
1. Provided a crucial vote, along with Jean Schmidt, to pass Bob Taft's Sales Tax Hike.
2. Voted for Bob Taft's Gas Tax Hike, raising Ohio's gas taxes by 27%.
3. Voted for the Bob Taft/Jean Schmidt/Virgil Lovitt Hotel/Motel Tax Hike, more than doubling Hamilton County's taxes.
4. Proudly voted to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on The Freedom Center.
5. Supported the Simon Leis Sales Tax hike.
We know that Michelle will make an excellent tax-and-spend addition to the Ohio State Senate. We give her our highest possible endorsement, and warn anyone else interested in running not to cross us. We feel so strongly about Michelle that we are helping to organize a huge fundraiser for her next week, one that will be so large it will eclipse the recent COAST event. Stay tuned for details. For now, pass the word that Republicans for Higher Taxes strongly backs Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
We are delighted to announce our latest endorsement, one which will bring back some desperately needed momentum to our side after COAST shocked the world with it's packed fundraiser featuring John Kasich and Mary Taylor. With no lengthy debate needed, Republicans for Higher Taxes is proud to endorse Michelle Schneider for State Senate. Schneider has compiled an astounding record of supporting higher taxes and more spending, and brings to the table as impressive of a pro-tax record as Bob Taft, Jean Schmidt, and Tax Hikers of the Year Bill Seitz and Virgil Lovitt.
We want everyone to review the Schneider record for themselves:
1. Provided a crucial vote, along with Jean Schmidt, to pass Bob Taft's Sales Tax Hike.
2. Voted for Bob Taft's Gas Tax Hike, raising Ohio's gas taxes by 27%.
3. Voted for the Bob Taft/Jean Schmidt/Virgil Lovitt Hotel/Motel Tax Hike, more than doubling Hamilton County's taxes.
4. Proudly voted to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on The Freedom Center.
5. Supported the Simon Leis Sales Tax hike.
We know that Michelle will make an excellent tax-and-spend addition to the Ohio State Senate. We give her our highest possible endorsement, and warn anyone else interested in running not to cross us. We feel so strongly about Michelle that we are helping to organize a huge fundraiser for her next week, one that will be so large it will eclipse the recent COAST event. Stay tuned for details. For now, pass the word that Republicans for Higher Taxes strongly backs Michelle Schneider for State Senate.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Beware of COAST!
Fellow tax-hikers, we have some most disturbing news to report. Our sources indicate to us that there were over 200 people at COAST's fundraiser tonight with John Kasich and Mary Taylor! This is far more support than we ever thought COAST had. We wanted everyone to stay away so people would think they have few members. Boy are we shocked!
This sad development has the potential to impair our movement. What happens if all these COAST people decide to help 2008 Enemy of the Treasury Chris Monzel get re-elected? What if they go after tax-hiker Leslie Ghiz, one of our favorite Republicans? Ghiz's support for Democratic Commissioner David Pepper is an important source of our pro-tax power.
We tax hikers are called to meet this challenge! We must redouble our efforts. We need to expand our ranks. We need to better promote ourselves. We have to count on our great tax hike leaders including 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt, Leslie Ghiz, Bill Seitz, Jean Schmidt, and Bob Taft to lead us.
We ask you tax hikers - what will you do to promote our Republican tax-and-spend movement?
This sad development has the potential to impair our movement. What happens if all these COAST people decide to help 2008 Enemy of the Treasury Chris Monzel get re-elected? What if they go after tax-hiker Leslie Ghiz, one of our favorite Republicans? Ghiz's support for Democratic Commissioner David Pepper is an important source of our pro-tax power.
We tax hikers are called to meet this challenge! We must redouble our efforts. We need to expand our ranks. We need to better promote ourselves. We have to count on our great tax hike leaders including 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt, Leslie Ghiz, Bill Seitz, Jean Schmidt, and Bob Taft to lead us.
We ask you tax hikers - what will you do to promote our Republican tax-and-spend movement?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Do not attend COAST's Feb 19th Fundraiser with John Kasich
Fellow tax hikers, later this week a terrible event is taking place in Hamilton County. Our enemies at COAST are having a big fundraiser this February 19th at 6:00 PM at the Montgomery Inn in Montgomery. Tragically, former Congressman John Kasich is headlining the event along with co-host Mary Taylor our State Auditor. We encourage our supporters to boycott this event.
We never liked Kasich or Taylor and this helps prove why. As a Congressman, John Kasich worked tirelessly as Chairman of the House Budget Committee to balance the federal budget without tax increases. When the government needed more money to continue its vast operations, Kasich instead worked to trim the budget. Before he retired the federal government eliminated it's deficit and ran surpluses for several years for the first time in decades. He should apologize to everyone for not raising our taxes when he had the chance.
We especially despise Mary Taylor. As a State Representative she had the audacity to vote against Bob Taft's tax increases. During her run for State Auditor she even bragged about this treachery in her campaign ad! And as Auditor, she has refused to follow Betty Montgomery's practice of giving free passes to big donors like Betty did for her close friend Tom Noe. Taylor has been a detriment to our party. What kind of message does it send when the only Republican elected statewide is a young, attractive, pro-life woman who voted against Bob Taft's agenda and brags about it?
These are the type of people COAST is bringing to Southwest Ohio - Republicans with a long history of cutting spending, opposing tax hikes, and balancing budgets. These are not our values, nor are they the values of the Ohio Republican Party or Hamilton County Republican Party. We support massive tax hikes and big spending increases. Therefore we call on our supporters to boycott this event.
We want the world to see that COAST has no supporters beyond their 5 members. So please don't go. Imagine the harm it would do to our movement if COAST got 75 people to this fundraiser and showed SW Ohio that they had surprising widespread support for their agenda of lower taxes and limited spending.
We never liked Kasich or Taylor and this helps prove why. As a Congressman, John Kasich worked tirelessly as Chairman of the House Budget Committee to balance the federal budget without tax increases. When the government needed more money to continue its vast operations, Kasich instead worked to trim the budget. Before he retired the federal government eliminated it's deficit and ran surpluses for several years for the first time in decades. He should apologize to everyone for not raising our taxes when he had the chance.
We especially despise Mary Taylor. As a State Representative she had the audacity to vote against Bob Taft's tax increases. During her run for State Auditor she even bragged about this treachery in her campaign ad! And as Auditor, she has refused to follow Betty Montgomery's practice of giving free passes to big donors like Betty did for her close friend Tom Noe. Taylor has been a detriment to our party. What kind of message does it send when the only Republican elected statewide is a young, attractive, pro-life woman who voted against Bob Taft's agenda and brags about it?
These are the type of people COAST is bringing to Southwest Ohio - Republicans with a long history of cutting spending, opposing tax hikes, and balancing budgets. These are not our values, nor are they the values of the Ohio Republican Party or Hamilton County Republican Party. We support massive tax hikes and big spending increases. Therefore we call on our supporters to boycott this event.
We want the world to see that COAST has no supporters beyond their 5 members. So please don't go. Imagine the harm it would do to our movement if COAST got 75 people to this fundraiser and showed SW Ohio that they had surprising widespread support for their agenda of lower taxes and limited spending.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Alex T follows our lead
Dear fellow tax hikers, we know you share our pride when we see our work being noticed by the people who run our Republican Party. Last week we presented to you compelling profiles of two of this area's greatest tax hikers, Blue Ash City Councilmen Jim Sumner and Rick Bryan. Their efforts to raise taxes for all of Southwest Ohio make them two of the brightest stars in our tax-hiking movement.
Our work was noticed. Less than 10 days later, Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou posted his own profile of Jim Sumner. This is why we are here. We exist to promote higher taxes, to make it the dominant position in the Republican Party, and to promote great tax hikers who loyally work to implement our agenda - tax hikers like Jim Sumner.
The Hamilton County GOP knows a great tax hiker when they see one. It's time to get behind Jim Sumner as he makes his move towards higher office. Sumner has proven his excellent tax-hiking credentials in Blue Ash. Now it's time to let him take his tax-and-spend agenda to a higher level. Jim Sumner for Something 2010!
Our work was noticed. Less than 10 days later, Hamilton County Republican Party Chairman Alex Triantafilou posted his own profile of Jim Sumner. This is why we are here. We exist to promote higher taxes, to make it the dominant position in the Republican Party, and to promote great tax hikers who loyally work to implement our agenda - tax hikers like Jim Sumner.
The Hamilton County GOP knows a great tax hiker when they see one. It's time to get behind Jim Sumner as he makes his move towards higher office. Sumner has proven his excellent tax-hiking credentials in Blue Ash. Now it's time to let him take his tax-and-spend agenda to a higher level. Jim Sumner for Something 2010!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Rick Bryan - Tax Hiking Star
We continue with our tour around Hamilton County to profile some of our party's up-and-coming tax-hiking stars on the rise. Today we offer you, our loyal readers, a bio on one of Hamilton County's greatest tax-and-spend Republicans, Blue Ash City Councilman Rick Bryan. Consider the outstanding Rick Bryan record:
1. Supported Issue 27, the Super-sized Sales Tax hike backed by our great Sheriff Si Leis, David Pepper, Todd Portune, and former Attorney General Marc Dann.
2. Supported a 25% income tax increase for the fine citizens of Blue Ash for the expansion of a golf course and rec center. If Rick will raise taxes 25% for that, imagine how high he'd raise taxes for something important!
3. Voted for a Blue Ash City Council resolution, which passed unanimously, to show support for more than doubling Hamilton County's hotel/motel tax, a high priority of our 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt. We are not aware of him ever voting for a resolution to oppose a tax increase.
4. Took a strong stand against our 2007 Enemy of the Treasury Pat DeWine in his 2008 race for judge because of his opposition to tax increases. Normally in strict obedience of party directives, Bryan made a rare exception when he went against the party endorsement and supported DeWine's primary opponent in March 2008. If you don't support tax increases, Rick will be there to sink you.
5. Strongly supported our man Virgil Lovitt for State Representative. Rick Bryan donated $1050 to his campaign and co-hosted a cornhole tournament for his campaign!
6. Has been a loyal source of the mustache power that has helped give our movement the extra juice it needs to defeat the anti-taxers.
Rick Bryan is one of the most impressive rising stars of the Republican tax-and-spend movement. We know he is tired of being stuck in Blue Ash and has been trying for years to move on to higher office. When Rick does make his next run, we will be there to support him 100%. Keep up the good work!
1. Supported Issue 27, the Super-sized Sales Tax hike backed by our great Sheriff Si Leis, David Pepper, Todd Portune, and former Attorney General Marc Dann.
2. Supported a 25% income tax increase for the fine citizens of Blue Ash for the expansion of a golf course and rec center. If Rick will raise taxes 25% for that, imagine how high he'd raise taxes for something important!
3. Voted for a Blue Ash City Council resolution, which passed unanimously, to show support for more than doubling Hamilton County's hotel/motel tax, a high priority of our 2008 Tax Hiker of the Year Virgil Lovitt. We are not aware of him ever voting for a resolution to oppose a tax increase.
4. Took a strong stand against our 2007 Enemy of the Treasury Pat DeWine in his 2008 race for judge because of his opposition to tax increases. Normally in strict obedience of party directives, Bryan made a rare exception when he went against the party endorsement and supported DeWine's primary opponent in March 2008. If you don't support tax increases, Rick will be there to sink you.
5. Strongly supported our man Virgil Lovitt for State Representative. Rick Bryan donated $1050 to his campaign and co-hosted a cornhole tournament for his campaign!
6. Has been a loyal source of the mustache power that has helped give our movement the extra juice it needs to defeat the anti-taxers.
Rick Bryan is one of the most impressive rising stars of the Republican tax-and-spend movement. We know he is tired of being stuck in Blue Ash and has been trying for years to move on to higher office. When Rick does make his next run, we will be there to support him 100%. Keep up the good work!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Triantafilou kicks out Schmidt-hater from GOP meeting
We applaud Chairman Alex Triantafilou for having political independent David Krikorian thrown out of the Madeira Republican club meeting where Alex was due to speak. Krikorian has viciously attacked Jean Schmidt for her lack of honesty and votes for higher taxes and bigger bailouts. We think Alex should toss out more people. Not only should Krikorian be thrown out of these meetings, but everyone who has insulted Congresswoman Schmidt over the years should be removed too. Even though this would result in seriously reducing the membership of several area Republican clubs, it's worth it to maintain our purity.
This episode also reveals the fine leadership skills of club President Mary Anne Christie, a big tent Republican. Removing this unwanted individual shows just how big her tent is. Those who have known Mrs. Christie over the decades would not be surprised by her courage.
Mary Anne Christie got her start in politics by volunteering on the Ulysses S. Grant presidential campaign. She knew she was born for a life in politics when she successfully convinced the Horse Carriage Drivers Union to endorse General Grant. Since then she has been a mainstay in politics and a reliable voice for the media when they need a quote to bash conservatives. Mrs. Christie has long been admired for her advocacy on behalf of pro-tax and pro-abortion causes.
Nobody who criticizes Jean Schmidt should be allowed to remain in the Republican Party. That is the kind of big tent policy we support. Like it or leave it. We applaud Mary Anne Christie and the Madeira Republican club for showing us how a big tent really works.
This episode also reveals the fine leadership skills of club President Mary Anne Christie, a big tent Republican. Removing this unwanted individual shows just how big her tent is. Those who have known Mrs. Christie over the decades would not be surprised by her courage.
Mary Anne Christie got her start in politics by volunteering on the Ulysses S. Grant presidential campaign. She knew she was born for a life in politics when she successfully convinced the Horse Carriage Drivers Union to endorse General Grant. Since then she has been a mainstay in politics and a reliable voice for the media when they need a quote to bash conservatives. Mrs. Christie has long been admired for her advocacy on behalf of pro-tax and pro-abortion causes.
Nobody who criticizes Jean Schmidt should be allowed to remain in the Republican Party. That is the kind of big tent policy we support. Like it or leave it. We applaud Mary Anne Christie and the Madeira Republican club for showing us how a big tent really works.
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